GIS 报告:Geocomputation and Spatial Analysis
报告题目:Geocomputation and Spatial Analysis
报告人:Professor Stewart Fotheringham
( Inventer of GWR )
2004--- SFI Research Professor and Director, National Centre for Geocomputation, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
1994-2004 Professor of Quantitative Geography, Department of Geography, Director of the North-East Regional Research Laboratory, University of Newcastle
1988-1994 Professor, Department of Geography, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Ph.D. (Geography) November, l980, McMaster University, Canada
MA (Geography) May, l978, McMaster University, Canada
B.Sc. (Geography ) June, l976, Aberdeen University, Scotland
The integration of spatial analysis and GIS
Spatial statistics
Exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial modelling
Spatial Choice/Spatial Interaction Modelling;
Spatial Cognition
Health Geography, Urban and Regional Analysis
时 间:2010年3月16日(星期二) 16:00-18:00
地 点:中科院地理所2209会议室