2025年3月15日 星期六

石坚论坛第63讲:Spatial Clustering And Prediction In The Presence Of Time Trends 存在时间趋势时的空间聚类和预测

      Alfred Stein教授  荷兰特温特大学 

  报告摘要In this presentation, I will give an overview of some of the latest developments in spatial statistics. First, I will summarize the recent spatial statistics conference in Boulder, Co., where attention was given to spatial statistics for climate and environment. This conference focused on climate change dynamics, their causes, their effects and their future. The conference theme was the perspective of the Earth as a unified system with connections and feedbacks between physical and biological spheres and also human activities. Crucial developments in the methodology were in new scalable methods, spatio-temporal statistics, prediction and statistical aspects of modeling, like spatial and spatio-temporal extremes, attribution and forecasting. Keynote presentations were given on capture-recapture methods and on integrating deep learning into spatial statistics. This will be followed by research carried out at the University of Twente. In a recent study (Osei and Stein, 2023), we developed methodology for bivariate spatial clustering in differential time trends of related tropical diseases. These methods were applied to tropical diseases in particular diarrhea and intestinal parasite infections. In parallel, we developed a Poisson cokriging model for bivariate count data (Payares-Garcia et al., 2023) that allows us to estimate the joint risks of two diseases. These studies were applied to two mosquito-borne diseases in Colombia that showed that our Poisson cokriging successfully performs spatial predictions under different settings. In summary, I will show the liveliness of spatial statistics to address relevant problems in society. 


  报告人简介:Alfred Stein教授,任职于荷兰特温特大学地理信息科学与对地观测学院(Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth, ITC),博士生导师,荷兰统计与运算协会和荷兰皇家数学协会成员。2002年至今,他担任荷兰特温特大学地理信息科学和地球观测学院空间统计与图像分析方向教授。在此期间,他先后担任该院副院长(2008)、科学研究部长(2010; 2014)、教育部长(2012),并在2017年出任特温特大学教职董事。Stein教授的研究工作主要集中于空间数据与时空数据的统计分析,包括时空采样优化、遥感影像分析和时空统计学等。由Stein教授创建并担任主编的《Spatial Statistics》杂志,是统计类期刊当中隶属一区的杂志,在时空统计学方面处于世界领先地位,收录了该领域内大量的高质量学术论文。同时,他也是《Environmental and Ecological Statistics》期刊的创始编委,《Soil and Tillage Research》期刊的副主编,《Statistica Neerlandica》、《Geoderma》、《International Journal of Applied Geoinformation and Earth Observation》期刊前主编和《Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics》期刊前副主编,以及众多学术期刊的编委。Stein教授已在空间与时空统计学、遥感图像分析和空间不确定性分析与建模及其他相关领域发表论文300余篇。 


  主持人:王劲峰 研究员 

    间:20231212日(星期二) 1600-1800 



