区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室 国际学者系列讲座之十一

题目:Understanding global CO2 emissions in terms of global trade 全球贸易视角下的碳排放研究

报告人:Luke Bergmann

时间:2010年9月17日(周五)上午9:00 - 10:30



Luke R. Bergmann is a doctoral candidate in geography at the University of Minnesota, having received a bachelor's degree in physics from Duke University. He has been the recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and an Angier B. Duke merit scholarship. His present research draws upon economic geography to critique and extend the mathematical discourses through which we come to understand carbon emissions as being the responsibility of particular states or of groups of peoples in a globalizing world. Past works have investigated socioecological factors in influenza evolution, developed a coevolutionary approach to theorizing the capitalist space economy, explored the potential for methodological synergies between computational and social-theoretic approaches to social science, as well as discussed the pedagogy of sustainability.
