2025年3月15日 星期六


  讲座题目:Authors, Articles and How to Make an Impact: Trends in Academic Publishing 

  演讲人:Sally Hardy女士 


  Sally Hardy is the Chief Executive of the Regional Studies Association the leading scholarly association for the study of cities and regions. Sally is based on the south coast of England and as Chief Executive manages the relationship with the Association’s publisher Taylor and Francis (T&F). Taylor and Francis is one of the world’s largest academic publishing houses, and the RSA produces a number of high impact journals through them Regional Studies; Territory, Politics, Governance; Spatial Economic Analysis; and most recently, Regional Studies, Regional Science an Open Access journal. The Association is currently overseeing a new journal focused on the greater BRICS economies Area Development and Policy.      

  Sally will discuss: the rise of Altmetrics and how to maximise their contribution to your research, impact factors, publishing strategies and the future of academic publishing.  

  时间:2015917日(星期四) 10:00-11:30 
