

  报告人:潘铭博士,Research ScholarPrinceton University 

  报告摘要:Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT)是美国宇航局 (NASA) 及其欧洲合作伙伴计划于2021年发射的新一代水面高程卫星遥感项目。利用卫星进行对地高程观测也有较长的探索历史,它的主要陆地水文应用是提供河流、湖泊、水库、湿地等陆面水体的水位、流量、坡度、覆盖区域等信息。SWOT卫星遥感项目力图打造最精确的Ka波段干涉高程仪,并专门为陆地水文以及海洋科学研究设计运行轨道和扫描方式,意在将水面高程观测推向真正的科研及实用阶段。本次报告将简单介绍SWOT卫星项目以及它给水文研究所带来的机会和挑战以及SWOT科研团队针对这些挑战的对策研究。 

  报告题目State-of-art flood and drought monitoring system and its application for risk assessment 

  报告人:何小刚,PhD CandidatePrinceton University 

  报告摘要:Floods and droughts are the most disastrous natural hazards around the globe. They have huge impacts on agriculture, food security, water availability, energy production and natural ecosystems. At the moment, monitoring and forecasting of floods and droughts under climate change mostly focus on physical aspects, but how to transfer science into action and deliver useful information for impact studies should also be addressed. This talk introduces the development of an on-line operational Global Flood and Drought Monitoring (GFDM) system with an objective of improving flood and drought risk (FDR) management over the globe. GFDM has a high spatial resolution (~25 km) and provides information on historical, present and predicted hydrological conditions at different time scales.  


  报告时间:201678日(周五)下午2: 005: 00  


  主持人:  汤秋鸿 研究员 



