报告题目:High-Performance Scientific Computing enabled by HPSC
报告人:Prof.Stefan Kollet, Bonn University
时 间:2016年9月29日上午10:00
地 点:中科院地理资源所 地理科学馆411会议室
Dr. Kollet is a professor in Hydrology at Meteorological Institute of Bonn University. He also serves as the Research Topic Leader for “Integrated Modeling of Terrestrial Systems” at Agrosphere Institute of Research Centre in Jülich, Germany. Prior to his current position, he has worked as Senior Computational Geoscientist at Shell Global Solutions International and as a Physicist at Atmospheric, Earth, and Energy Sciences Department of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US. Prof. Kollet is internationally known for his expertise in the development of terra-scale computational methods for large scale distributed land surface-groundwater modeling using high performance supercomputers. He has served as an editor for several SCI journals including Water Resources Research and was the co-chair of Hydrology Section of the AGU Fall Meeting between 2011-2013.
This talk provides an overview of research work related to High-Performance Scientific Computing performed at The Centre of High-Performance Scientific Computing (HPSC TerrSys), which was founded 2011 to enable fundamental and applied geoscientific research in the Geoverbund ABC/J (geoscientfic research alliance of the Universities of Aachen, Cologne, Bonn and the Research Centre Jülich, Germany). The specific goals of HPSC TerrSys are to achieve relevance at the national and international level in (i) the development and application of HPSC technologies in the geoscientific community; (ii) student education; (iii) HPSC services and support to the wider geoscientific community; and (iv) service to the industry and public sectors via e.g., useful applications and data products. A key feature of HPSC TerrSys is the Simulation Laboratory Terrestrial Systems, which is located at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) and provides extensive capabilities with respect to porting, profiling, tuning and performance monitoring of geoscientific software in JSC’s supercomputing environment. A summary of success stories of HPSC applications will be presented, including integrated terrestrial model development, parallel profiling and its application from watersheds to the continent; massively parallel data assimilation using physics-based models and ensemble methods; quasi-operational terrestrial water and energy monitoring; and convection permitting climate simulations over Europe. The success stories stress the need for a formalized education of students in the application of HPSC technologies in future.