邓祥征研究小组在Journal of Cleaner Production上发表系列SCI论文

  近日邓祥征与其合作者在Journal of Cleaner Production上发表系列SCI论文。研究人员运用GIS及计量经济学建模技术揭示了改革开放以来我国土地利用变化典型案例区耕地流转、生态系统服务、粮食产能及畜牧业生产的权衡与冲突。他们基于多源数据融合构造微观空间变量,采用经典经济学模型与指标开展模型分析的简便方法,提出了协调土地利用、生态系统服务与人类福利在资源利用竞争上的可能途径及实现多赢目标的区域策略。 



  1、Xiangzheng Deng, John Gibson, Pei Wang. Relationship between landscape diversity and crop production: a case study in the Hebei Province of China based on multi-source data Integration. Journal of Cleaner Production 142 (2017) 985-992.   

  2、Xiangzheng Deng, John Gibson, Pei Wang. Quantitative measurements of the interaction between net primary productivity and livestock production in Qinghai Province based on data fusion technique. Journal of Cleaner Production 142 (2017) 758-766. 

  3、 Xiangzheng Deng, John Gibson, Pei Wang.Management of trade-offs between cultivated land conversions and land productivity in Shandong Province. Journal of Cleaner Production 142 (2017) 767-774. 
