学术期刊 “Area Development and Policy”创刊一周年

  由中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所与国际区域研究协会(Regional Studies Association, RSA)联合创办、Taylor & Francis 出版社出版发行的学术期刊Area Development and Policy(《地区发展与政策》)第三期内容已于2016114日上线。期刊网址:http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rard20/current。至此,该刊2016年全部三期内容均已上线,包含全年三期内容的第一卷(Volume 1, 2016)纸质版期刊将于年底发行。 

  Area Development and Policy专注于与金砖国家和新兴经济体有关的原创学术文章,主要内容旨在研究这些国家和它们之间的关系,以及它们和世界上其他国家的关系。期刊中的研究来自于这些国家和发达国家。该期刊的宗旨为:(1)发表区域发展和政策方面学术的、严谨的、原创的研究文章;(2)对这些国家的价值观、体制和发展经验进行理论发展和解读;(3)增加国家与国家之间的相互了解和认识,在相互尊重彼此差异的基础上扩大共同之处。Area Development and Policy将是一个国际级的期刊,其发表的文章内容主要涵盖不同经济和政治主体之间多标量和地理差异化的关系,具体包括这些主体生活方式、工作方式、背景的差异,并研究这些差异如何塑造区域、城市、农村地区和它们互相之间的关系。该期刊认为应该对国家和区域的制度作用以及价值观进行研究,理论应该来自于这些国家和地区的经验,并非必须要来自于西欧和北美。   


  Rising powers and the drivers of uneven global development 

  Ray Hudson 

  Reorienting the drivers of development: alternative paradigms 

  Yuku Aoyama 

  Macroeconomic geographies  

  Jamie Peck 

  Inclusive globalization: unpacking China's Belt and Road Initiative  

  Weidong Liu & Michael Dunford 

  The Silk Road goes north: Russia’s role within China’s Belt and Road Initiative 

  Mia M. Bennett 

  Reflections on China's Belt and Road Initiative 

  Stanley Toops 

  Polycentric versus hierarchical tertiary centres: comparing San Diego and Tijuana 

  Tito A. Alegría 

  Innovation development of large companies in Siberia 

  Sophia Khalimova   


  Managing Editors  

  Michael DUNFORD - IGSNRR, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  LIU Weidong - IGSNRR, Chinese Academy of Sciences  


  Yuko AOYAMA - Clark University, Massachusetts, USA

  Clélio CAMPOLINA DINIZ - Cedeplar-Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

  Amitabh KUNDU - Visiting Professor, Institute for Human Development and Senior Fellow, Delhi Policy Group, New Delhi, India

  Leonid LIMONOV - ICSER ‘Leontief Centre’, St Petersburg, and NRU Higher School of Economics - St Petersburg, Russia

  George C.S LIN - University of Hong Kong

  Sam Ock PARK - Seoul National University, The Republic of Korea

  Ivan TUROK - HSRC, South Africa  

  Editorial Advisory Board 

  Marco CROCCO - Cedeplar-Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

  Peter DICKEN - University of Manchester, UK

  Ana Cristina FERNANDES - Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil

  Meric GERTLER - University of Toronto, Canada

  WU Fulong - Bartlett School, University College London, UK

  Phil HARRISON - School of Architecture and Planning, Wits University, South Africa

  HE ShenJing - University of Hong Kong

  HE Canfei - Beijing University, Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy

  HSU Jinn-Yuh - Taiwan National University

  Ray HUDSON - University of Durham, UK

  Niaz Ahmed KHAN - Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

  Dong Ju KIM - Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Republic of Korea

  Taibat LAWANSON - Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Lagos, Nigeria

  Alejandro MERCADO CELIS - The Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico

  Guldem OZATAGAN - Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

  Alexander PELYASOV- SOPS - Russian Academy of Science Centre for Productive Forces Research, Russia

  Alexander PUZANOV - The Institute for Urban Economics in Moscow, Russia

  Eric SHEPPARD - Department of Geography, UCLA, USA

  Michael STORPER - UCLA, LSE and Sciences Po, Paris, France

  Elkin VELASQUEZ - UN-HABITAT Regional Office Latin America and the Caribbean, Brazil

  Henry YEUNG - National University of Singapore, Singapore




