
  报告题目:CyberGIS for Empowering Geospatial Discovery and Innovation in the Era of Big Compute and Data 

   人:Professor WANG Shaowen(王少文教授,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校UIUC 

  报告人简介:王少文教授在地球空间信息科学和技术、高性能和数据密集型计算及相关应用领域开展了广泛而深入的研究。王教授现任职于UIUC地理与地理信息科学系、图书馆和信息学院、计算机科学系、城市与区域规划系,兼任美国国家超级计算应用中心(NCSA)副主任,他于2013年创建了UIUC的先进数字与空间研究中心(CyberGIS Center)并担任该中心主任至今,领导了美国国家自然科学基金近年来在地理信息科学基础研究上投入最多的CyberGIS项目。他于2009年获得了美国国家科学基金会杰出青年奖,曾担任多个美国学术组织和国际科研合作的领导职务,是国际华人地理信息科学协会前任主席及现任理事会主席,创办了CyberGIS国际会议系列,现任GeoInformatica执行编辑,兼任多个国际期刊的编委和特邀编辑。 

  报告摘要CyberGIS is an interdisciplinary field combining advanced cyberinfrastructure, geographic information science and systems (GIS), spatial analysis and modeling, and a number of geospatial domains to improve research productivity and enable scientific breakthroughs. It has emerged as a new-generation GIS that enables unprecedented advances in data-driven knowledge discovery, visualization and visual analytics, and collaborative problem solving and decision making. The growing importance of cyberGIS is reflected by increasing calls for solutions to bridge the significant digital divide between advanced cyberinfrastructure and geospatial communities. This presentation discusses challenges and opportunities for cyberGIS to empower geospatial discovery and innovation in the era of big compute and data. 

   人:陆 锋 研究员 


