
  报告题目Urbanization in history and in the knowledge economy 

  报告人:Hans Westlund 



  Hans Westlund经济学教授,瑞典皇家理工城市规划与环境系主任;瑞典延雪平国际商学院教授,斯洛文尼亚发展与战略研究所研究员,瑞典农村发展网络及Formas基金委农村发展科学理事会委员(2008-),瑞典皇家农林科学院农村发展委员会学术委员(2009-),欧洲区域科学协会学术委员、执行主席(2012),美国西部区域科学学会学术委员、执行主席 (2013-2014)Springer 出版集团《空间科学进展》丛书主编2013Hans教授与地理资源所共建“中瑞城乡转型发展研究中心”(挂靠地理资源所农业地理研究室)Hans教授的研究主要集中于欧洲城乡发展战略、社会资本及其对区域发展的影响,发表学术论文150余篇,著作20余部。 



  Hans Westlund is Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Environment of Royal Institute of Technology the KTH. He is Professor in Entrepreneurship and Director of Institute for Rural Entrepreneurship, J?nk?ping International Business School, J?nk?ping, Sweden (2007-) and the Institute of Developmental and Strategic Analysis (IRSA) (2011-). He is Member of the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s Rural Council and the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry’s Committee for Rural Development (2009-), and the Swedish Rural Network’s and the Research Council Formas’ Scientific Council of Rural Development (2008-). He was Executive Chairman of the European Regional Science Association (2012) and the Western Regional Science Association (2013-2014). He is Editor of Springer-Verlag’s book series Advances in Spatial Sciences (2013-). In 2013, Professor Hans and the IGSNRR have to cofound the Sino-Swedish Center for Urban-Rural Transformation Development. His research focuses on regional development, social capital, and innovation, and entrepreneurship, peripheral and rural regions. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed journal articles and over 20 books. 

