
  报告题目1: Impacts of urbanisation on groundwater: Case studies from Melbourne, Australia 

  报告人1: Dr Matthew Currell (Lecturer RMIT University) 

      间:9:30-10:30am Wednesday (8th July) 

  报告摘要: This presentation will discuss the history of industrial contamination of groundwater in Australia's second largest city (Melbourne), and the challenges this presents for on-going re-development of land. The case study looks at techniques for assessing the changes to groundwater recharge quanitity and quality in one of Melbourne's active urban growth areas. 

  报告人简介: Dr Matthew Currell Received his PhD from Monash University in 2011, having completed a hydrochemical and isotopic investigation of groundwater resources and groundwater sustainability in the Yuncheng Basin, North China. Dr Currell now lectures at RMIT University in the school of Civil, Environmental & Chemical Engineering, and has active collaboration projects with the EPA (Victoria), Department of Environment & Primary Industries, and Melbourne Water. Currently he is an associate editor of the Hydrogeology Journal. 


  报告题目2: Biochar (物炭) as an improver of soil functioning. Does it hold its promises? 

  报告人2: Dr Jorge Paz-Ferreiro (Lecturer at RMIT University) 

     间:10:30-11:30am Wednesday (8th July) 

  报告摘要:  In the last years there has been an increasing interest in the application of charcoal (biochar) to the land. This concern was sparked by a re-discovery of Terra Preta do Indio, charcoal-rich soils of anthropogenic origin located in the Amazon Basin. Multiple claims with regards to the benefits of adding biochar to the soil have been done, including increase in crop productivity, remediation of polluted areas and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. This talk will review the current knowledge on biochar. 

  报告人简介: Jorge Paz-Ferreiro was awarded his PhD in 2007 at Santiago de Compostela University. He has worked as a post-doc at Lancaster University, Madrid Technical University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Jorge joined RMIT University in 2014, where he is currently a lecturer in Environmental Engineering. His main research interests are the recycling of waste materials into the soil and land pollution. 


  Topics for the China-Australia Environmental Research Forum 2015 for Graduate Students: 


Student Name 


11:30-12:00 am 

Liu Fei(刘飞) 


Geochemical evolution of groundwater in the Subei Lake basin, Ordos energy base, Northwestern China 

Lunch Time 

13:30-14:00 pm 

Christin Down 

RMIT Univeristy 

Selecting a remediation technique for a site impacted by hydrocarbon contamination of groundwater: Melbourne, Australia 

14:30-15:00 pm 

Sang Leixin(桑磊鑫)IGSNRR 

Every coin has its two sides--- side B of our Three Gorges Dam(TGD) 

Tea Break 

15:00-15:30 pm 

Wu Yali(吴亚丽) 


Responses of water consumption of summer maize by Transformation Dynamical Processes Experimental  Device among five waters 

15:30-16:00 pm 



Water management practices for increasing crop water productivity and cropping intensity in Chapai Nawabganj district of Barind area of Bangladesh 

16:00-16:30 pm 

Tian Tian(田恬) 


Spetial-temporal variations and 

 influential factors of precipitation in Hilly Area of Taihang Mountain-a case study at Chongling catchment 


  主持人:韩冬梅 副研究员 



