2025年3月14日 星期五


  报告题目:Advances in hydrolo gical ensemble forecasting 

  报告人: Professor Q J Wang (王全君 教授,墨尔本大学) 


  Professor Wang obtained his BE in 1984 from Tsinghua University in Beijing with a “Graduate of Excellence” Award. In Ireland, he completed his MSc in 1987 and PhD in 1990 at University College Galway. He worked briefly as a postdoctoral fellow at University College Dublin, before returning to University College Galway to take up a lecturer position.  

  In 1994, Professor Wang came to Australia and joined the University of Melbourne, where he worked as a lecturer and later as a senior lecturer. In 1999, he took up a principal scientist position at the Victorian Department of Primary Industries, leading irrigation research. In 2007, he joined CSIRO Land and Water as an Office of the Chief Executive Science Leader and senior principal research scientist, leading water forecasting research. In February 2017, He returned to the University of Melbourne as a teaching and research professor. 

  Professor Wang led the research and development that underpinned the operational services by the Bureau of Meteorology of short-term and seasonal streamflow forecasting. He was awarded the 2014 GN Alexander Medal by the Institution of Engineers, Australia, and the 2016 CSIRO Medal for Impact from Science. Professor Wang is a co-chair of HEPEX, the peak international community for research and practice of ensemble hydrological forecasting (http://www.hepex.org). He is an Overseas Expert Assessor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.   

  主持人:汤秋鸿 研究员 


  地点:中国科学院地理资源所 地理科学馆411会议室