石坚论坛第43讲:监测和减轻高密度城市身心健康问题—— 一个跨学科的方法
报告题目:Monitoring and mitigation of physical and mental health problems in high density cities: An interdisciplinary approach
报 告 人: Prof. Yee Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Rapid urban growth in high density cities has generated tremendous environmental and mental stress that threatens the physical and mental well-beings of the city residents. This research develops an interdisciplinary approach to the monitoring and mitigation of physical and mental health problems in high density living. Specifically we will demonstrate how air pollution can be monitored and analysed through an air pollution decision support system that integrates multi-source, multi-type and multi-scale data and employ big data analytics to solve air pollution problems. We will show how public sentiments and opinions can be incorporated into the analysis framework to gauge the impact of air pollution on the society in general and people in particular.
主 持 人: 王劲峰研究员
报告时间: 10月16日 下午4:00-6:00
报告地点: 中科院地理资源所2321会议室