石坚论坛第47讲 Expolring Big Data in the Maritime Domain海事领域大数据挖掘

报告人Prof. Christophe Claramunt   

Shanghai Maritime University (China) & Naval Academy Research Institute (France) 


The maritime environment provides many novel research challenges & application opportunities that still deserve to be addressed. In the maritime domain, the correlated computational exploitation of heterogeneous big data sources and streaming data is a crucial issue., while online tracking, early recognition of events, and anticipation of vessel trajectories are particularly crucial to safety and operations at sea. The objective of this talk is to review current research challenges and development directions tied to the integration, management, analysis, and visualization of objects moving at sea as well as a few computational solution for a successful development of maritime forecasting and decision-support systems. The talk will focus on developments currently addressed by the EU funded H2020 datAcron project. 


Professor Christophe Claramunt is currently the chair of the Naval Academy Research Institute in France. He was previously a senior lecturer in computing at the Nottingham Trent University and senior researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. His research is oriented towards theoretical, computational and pluri-disciplinary aspects of geographical information systems. Over the past few years he has been regularly involved in EU funded projects such as the H2020 project datAcron "Big Data Analytics for Time Critical Mobility Forecasting". Amongst other affiliations, he is a research fellow at the Research Center for Social Informatics of the Kwansei University in Japan, Centre for Planning Studies at the Laval University and at the Joint Laboratory for Geographical Information Science at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 

More at: http://christophe.claramunt.free.fr/   

主 持 人: 苏奋振 研究员 

    间: 2018711日(星期三)下午3:00 

    点: 中科院地理资源所2321会议室 

主办单位: 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室 


