报告题目:Social capital as a resource for rural revitalisation in China? A
survey of community connection of university students with home villages
报告人:Bin Wu
Dr. Bin Wu is Senior Research Fellow in the Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (HGI), a part of Nottingham University Business School. He is also a Coordinator of China Research Group (Centre) at the University of Nottingham, UK. He holds a BSc degree in Physics, a MA in Philosophy of Science and Technology, and a PhD in Human Geography. His research interests include: rural sustainability and grassroots innovation, internal and international migration, higher education reform and social justice, Chinese diasporas. He has experience in hosting and delivering a number of external funded projects from EU, ILO, Italian Government, RCUK, and British Academy. Based upon his extensive fieldwork in the Loess Plateau, he published a monography with title, Sustainable Development in Rural China: Farmer self-organising innovation in marginal areas (Routledge, 2003). Since then, he has published seven books (4 edited volumes for Routledge) and been as guest editor for 4 special issues for Journal of Contemporary China, Business and Society and Journal of Chinese Overseas. His articles are appeared in Agriculture and Human Value, Journal of Cleaner Production, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Asia and Pacific Migration Journal, etc. He is co-editor of The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies (in Chinese).
主 持 人:刘彦随(区域农业与农村发展研究中心主任、研究员)
报告时间:2018年7月27日(周五) 上午10:00-11:30
主 办:中科院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室