2025年3月14日 星期五

石坚论坛第53讲: Systems Science for Complex Resource Management

  报告人Prof. Vincent Lyne   University of TasmaniaAustralia 

  报告摘要 System science is more and more important in understanding and modeling the complex and difficult Geographical and resource management problems. This report outline the development and application of automatic-control system approach to solve the complex problems. Following a conceptual model design, the structure of systems is decomposed into a hierarchy of network typologies whose modes and stability affect system behavior or dynamics. Examples and applications include: (1) dynamic socio-economic geography, (2) sustainable livelihoods, (3) global water masses, (3) potential climate regime shift in Antarctica, and (4) trade export performance. 


  Dr Vincent Lyne is an Honorary Researcher at the University of Tasmania in the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS). He is part of Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Dr Lyne is the Inventor of the “Lyne Hollick algorithm” used world-wide for hydrological studies by water management agencies. He worked as a Visiting Investigator for 4 years at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and the United State Geological Survey (USGS), researching the shelf-break front and developing models of sediment transport under wave-current interaction. He acted as a Lead Scientist for CSIRO in Australia’s national marine regional planning program. He currently works as a risk assessment consultant on a climate change adaptation project for a local council.  

  主持人:苏奋振  研究员 


