2025年3月14日 星期五


  报告题目:Role of Pilot Projects for Irrigation and Drainage Technologies and Lessons Learned from Some Previous Studies 

    人:Dr. Mohamed A.S. Wahba 

      间:20191226(周四)  14:00-16:00 


   人:万书勤 副研究员 

  报告人简介:Mohamed A.S. Wahba,中国科学院国际人才计划访问学者(康跃虎研究团队)、埃及水资源与灌溉部国家水利研究中心排水研究所(DRI)高级研究员,现担任国际灌排委员会(ICID)名誉副主席和ICID非洲地区工作组(AFRWG)主席。Wahba博士先后承担了联合国经社部、澳大利亚、埃及等国际和地区重大项目30多项。在灌溉用水、地下水位管理模型、水资源综合管理、农业排水新技术、灌溉排水工程监测与评价、土壤盐渍化防治、作物需水量计算、水盐平衡决策分析等方面开展了长期研究并取得了显著成果。因其杰出的学术贡献和组织管理能力,Wahba博士曾受邀担任埃及水资源与灌溉部部长助理、部长科技办公室主任、埃及国家灌排委员会(ENCID)主席、海岸保护局副主席、水资源培训中心副主任等重要行政职务和ICID副主席、ICID非洲地区工作组主席、西亚经社委(ECSWA)水资源委员会委员等国际组织领导职务。 


  Agriculture is one of the main sectors in many countries in the world, which deals with different farmers and stakeholders and the promotion of best agricultural practice or new technologies or innovations is a major challenge, especially in those countries dominated by small farms where the managerial skills of the farmers are at present still relatively poor. Introducing these new technologies or innovations in a pilot project is an initial small-scale implementation that is used to prove the viability of a project idea. This could involve either the exploration of the new approach or idea. Pilot projects offer the opportunity to reduce the risk of rollout failure by enabling all aspects of the roll-out to be tested on a small and well-defined user community before committing to the full implementation. Many good results are only on paper and reports and in fact, it is not a success unless it is acceptable by stakeholders and farmers and supported by DM’s. 
