2025年1月9日 星期四









  20068-201512月,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 副研究员。












  [1] 国家自然科学青年基金项目中国1:100万景观生态制图方法研究404010482005-2007);

  [2] 国家自然科学面上基金项目基于遥感与DEM数字地貌信息提取方法研究408711772009-2011);

  [3] 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目专题新疆后备耕地开发潜力研究2008-2011);

  [4] 科技支撑计划专题重大自然灾害孕险环境综合分析与评价集成平台2008BAK50B01-62009-2011);

  [5] 国家自然科学面上基金项目数字地貌等级分类体系与遥感综合解析方法研究411713322012-2015);

  [6] 国家科技支撑项目专题地理国情监测单元的划分方法研究2012-2014);

  [7] 国家基础性专项课题自然地理背景要素格网调查规范2012-2016

  [8] 国家自然科学面上基金,全月球形貌类型划分方法研究, 2016-2019

  [9] 水科院项目,全国山洪灾害调查评价成果汇总及图件制作,2015-2017

  [10] 国家测绘地理信息局公益性行业科研项目,地形地貌区划系统及其精准定位技术研究,2015-2017

  [11] 中国科学院先导专项B培育项目课题,地月系统外部营力及其动力学效应,2018-2019




  [1] WANG Nan, CHENG Weiming*, WANG Baixue, LIU Qiangyi, ZHOU Chenghu. Geomorphological regionalization theory system and division methodology of China. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2020, 30(2): 212-232.

  [2] Junnan Xiong, Quan Pang, Chunkun Fan, Weiming Cheng*, Chongchong Ye, Yunliang Zhao, Yuanrong He and Yifan Cao. Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Driving Force Analysis of Flash Floods in Fujian Province. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020, 9, 133.

  [3] GAO Xiaoyu, CHENG Weiming*, WANG Nan, LIU Qiangyi, MA Ting, CHEN Yinjun, ZHOU Chenghu. Spatio-temporal distribution and transformation of cropland in geomorphologic regions of China during 1990-2015. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2019, 29(2): 180-196.

  [4] Nan Wang, Weiming Cheng*, Min Zhao, Qiangyi Liu and Jing Wang. Identification of the Debris Flow Process Types within Catchments of Beijing Mountainous Area. Water, 2019, 11, 638.

  [5] Junnan Xiong, Chongchong Ye, Weiming Cheng*, Liang Guo, Chenghu Zhou, and Xiaolei Zhang, The Spatiotemporal Distribution of Flash Floods and Analysis of Partition Driving Forces in Yunnan Province, Sustainability, 2019, 11, 2926.

  [6] Junnan Xiong, Jin Li, Weiming Cheng*, Nan Wang and Liang Guo. A GIS-Based Support Vector Machine Model for Flash Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping in China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2019, 8(7), 297.

  [7] Qiangyi Liu, Weiming Cheng*, Guangjian Yan, Yunliang Zhao, Jianzhong Liu. A Machine Learning Approach to Crater Classification from Topographic Data. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 2594.

  [8] Zhao Min, Cheng Weiming(*), Zhou Chenghu, Li Manchun, Huang Kun, Wang Nan. Assessing Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Urbanization Dynamics in Southeast Asia Using Time Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data. 2018, Remote Sensing, 10, 47.

  [9] CHENG Weiming, Revealing the Landform Types and Morphologic Features of Lunar Surface, Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 2017, 91(4): 1517-1518.

  [10] CHENG Weiming,  LIU Qiangyi, ZHAO Shangmin, GAO Xiaoyu, WANG Nan, Research and perspectives on geomorphology in China: Four decades in retrospect, Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2017, 27(11): 1283-1310.

  [11] Weiming Cheng*, Nan Wang, Min Zhao, Shangmin Zhao, Relative tectonics and debris flow hazards in the Beijing mountain area from DEM-derived geomorphic indices and drainage analysis, Geomorphology, 2016,257: 134-142

  [12] CHENG Weiming, WANG Nan, ZHAO Shangmin, FANG Yue, ZHAO MinGrowth of the Sayram Lake and retreat of its water-supplying glaciers in the Tianshan Mountains from 1972 to 20112016Journal of Arid LandDOI: 10.1007/s40333-015-0139-4

  [13] Weiming Cheng*, Jiao Wang, Cong Wan. 2014. Morphometric characterization and reconstruction effect among Lunar Impact Craters. Earth Moon and Planet, 111: 139–155.

  [14] Cheng Weiming, Zhao Shangmin*, Zhou Chenghu, Chen Xi. 2013. Topographic characteristics for the geomorphologic zones in the northwestern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Mountain Science, 10(6): 1039-1049.

  [15] Cheng Weiming*, Zhao Shangmin, Zhou, Chenghu, Chen Xi. 2012. Simulation of the Decadal Permafrost Distribution on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (China) over the Past 50 Years, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 23(4): 292-300.

  [16] Cheng Weiming, Zhou Chenghu, Li Bingyuan, Shen Yuancun, Zhang Baiping, 2011. Structure and contents of layered classification system of digital geomorphology for China. Journal of Geography Science, 21(5): 771-790.

  [17] Cheng Weiming, Zhou Chenghu, Chai Huixia, Zhao Shangmin, Liu Haijiang, Zhou Zengpo, 2011. Research and compilation of the Geomorphologic Atlas of the People’s Republic of China (1:1,000,000). Journal of Geography Science, 21(1): 89-100.

  [18] Cheng Weiming*, Zhou Chenghu, Liu Haijiang, ZHANG Yang, JIANG Yan, ZHANG Yichi & YAO Yonghui, 2006. The oasis expansion and eco-environment change over the last 50 years in Manas River Valley, Xinjiang. Science In China: Series D Earth Sciences, 49(2): 163-175.

  [19] GAO Xiaoyu, CHENG Weiming*, WANG Nan, LIU Qiangyi, MA Ting, CHEN Yinjun, ZHOU Chenghu. Spatio-temporal distribution and transformation of cropland in geomorphologic regions of China during 1990-2015. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2019, 29(2): 180-196.

  [20] Nan Wang, Weiming Cheng*, Min Zhao, Qiangyi Liu and Jing Wang. Identification of the Debris Flow Process Types within Catchments of Beijing Mountainous Area. Water, 2019, 11, 638.

  [21] Junnan Xiong, Chongchong Ye, Weiming Cheng*, Liang Guo, Chenghu Zhou, and Xiaolei Zhang, The Spatiotemporal Distribution of Flash Floods and Analysis of Partition Driving Forces in Yunnan Province, Sustainability, 2019, 11, 2926.

  [22] Junnan Xiong, Jin Li, Weiming Cheng*, Nan Wang and Liang Guo. A GIS-Based Support Vector Machine Model for Flash Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping in China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2019, 8(7), 297.

  [23] Qiangyi Liu, Weiming Cheng*, Guangjian Yan, Yunliang Zhao, Jianzhong Liu. A Machine Learning Approach to Crater Classification from Topographic Data. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 2594.

  [24] Zhao Min, Cheng Weiming*, Zhou Chenghu, Li Manchun, Huang Kun, Wang Nan. Assessing Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Urbanization Dynamics in Southeast Asia Using Time Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data. Remote Sensing. 2018, 10(1): 47.

  [25] WANG Jiao, *CHENG Weiming, ZHOU Chenghu, ZHENG Xinqi, Automatic mapping of lunar landforms using DEM-derived geomorphometric parameters, Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2017, 27(11): 1413-1427, DOI: 10.1007/s11442-017-1443-z.

  [26] Min Zhao, Weiming Cheng*, Chenghu Zhou, Manchun Li, Nan Wang, Qiangyi Liu. Spatial differentiation and morphologic characteristics of China’s urban core zones based on geomorphologic partition. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 11(1), 016041 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.11.016041.

  [27] Min Zhao, Weiming Cheng*, Chenghu Zhou, Manchun Li, Nan Wang,  Qiangyi Liu, GDP Spatialization and Economic Differences in South China Based on NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Imagery, Remote Sensing 2017, 9(7), 673; doi: 10.3390/rs9070673.

  [28] FANG Yue, *CHENG Weiming, ZHANG Yichi, WANG Nan, ZHAO Shangmin, ZHOU Chenghu, CHEN Xi, BAO AnmingChanges in inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau over the past 40 years2016Journal of Geographical Sciences26(4): 415-438

  [29] ZHAO Min, *CHENG Weiming, LIU Qiangyi, WANG Nan, Spatiotemporal measurement of urbanization levels based on multiscale units: A case study of the Bohai Rim Region in China, Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2016, 26(5): 531-548. DOI: 10.1007/s11442-016-1284-1

  [30] Jiao Wang, WeimingCheng*, ChenghuZhou2015A Chang'E-1 global catalog of lunar impact cratersPlanetary  and Space Science11242–45

  [31] Shangmin ZhaoLi WangWeiming Cheng*Haijiang LiuWeican He2015Rectification methods comparison for the ASTER GDEM V2 data using the ICESat/GLA14 data in the Lvliang mountains, ChinaEnvironmental Earth Sciences , 74: 6571–6590

  [32] Wenjie Zhang, Weiming Cheng*, Zhoupeng Ren, Yingbo Gao, Jin Chen, Baolin Li, Chenghu Zhou. 2014. Simulation of permafrost distributions in the Qilian Mountains using a multi-criteria approach, Cold Regions Sciences and Technology, 103: 63-73.

  [33] HuiXia CHAI, WeiMing CHENG*, ChengHu ZHOU, ShangMin ZHAO, HaiJiang LIU. 2013. Climate effects on an inland alpine lake in Xinjiang, China over the past 40 years, Journal of Arid Land, 5(2): 188198.

  [34] Shangmin Zhao, Weiming Cheng*, Chenghu Zhou, Xi Chenen, 2012. Simulation of decadal alpine permafrost distributions in the Qilian Mountains over past 50 years by using Logistic Regression Model. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 73, 32-40.

  [35] NIU Quanfu, CHENG Weiming*, LIU Yong, XIE Yaowen, LAN Hengxing, CAO Yanrong, 2012. Risk Assessment of Secondary Geological Disasters Induced by the Yushu Earthquake. Journal of Mountain Sciences, 9: 232–242.

  [36] WAN Cong, CHENG WeiMing*, ZHOU ZengPo, ZHAO ShangMin & XIA Yao2012. Automatic extraction of lunar impact craters from Chang’E-1 satellite photographs. SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55(1): 162–169.

  [37] Ouyang Rulin, Cheng Weiming* et al., Research on runoff forecast approaches to the Aksu River basin, Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences (Supp.I), 2007, 50: 16-25.


  [1]    程维明,周成虎,李炳元,申元村.中国地貌区划理论与分区体系研究.地理学报, 2019, 74(5): 839-856

  [2]    申元村,程维明*. 生态地貌学研究体系及其功能提升探讨. 2019, 38(2): 348-356

  [3]    熊俊楠,李伟,刘志奇,程维明*,范春捆,张昊.基于多源数据的西藏东南部历史干旱监测与分析.干旱区地理, 2019, :1-14

  [4]    熊俊楠,李伟,程维明*,范春捆,李进,赵云亮.高原地区LST空间分异特征及影响因素研究-以桑珠孜区为例.国土资源遥感, 2019, 31(2): 164-171.

  [5]    熊俊楠,李进,程维明*,周成虎,郭良,张晓蕾,王楠,李伟.西南地区山洪灾害时空分布特征及其影响因素. 地理学报,2019, 74(7): 1374-1391.

  [6]    熊俊楠,李伟,刘志奇,程维明*,范春捆,李进.基于GWR模型的青藏高原地区TRMM数据降尺度研究.国土资源遥感, 2019, 1-11.

  [7]    熊俊楠,李进,朱吉龙, 程维明*, 郭良, 王楠, 张晓蕾.重庆市山洪灾害时空格局及影响因素研究.地球信息科学学报, 2019, 21(10): 1550-1564

  [8]    程维明,高晓雨,马廷,徐新良,陈印军,周成虎* . 基于地貌分区的1990-2015年中国耕地时空特征变化分析. 地理学报,2018(9): 1613-1629.

  [9]    程维明,刘樯漪,王娇,高文信,刘建忠. 全月球形貌类型分类方法初探 . 地球科学进展,201833(9): 885-897.

  [10]   熊俊楠,龚颖,程维明*,范春捆,王楠 . 西藏自治区近30年山洪灾害时空分布特征 . 山地学报,2018(4): 557-570. 1(2)

  [11]   程维明,周成虎,申元村,刘樯漪, 中国近40 年来地貌学研究的回顾与展望,地理学报,2017725):755-775.

  [12]   程维明,刘樯漪,申元村. 国家自然科学基金项目资助的地貌学研究现状与效应. 地理学报,2016071255-1261.

  [13]   赵敏,程维明*,黄坤, 21a来京津冀城市发展空间特征及其与宏观地貌的关系分析,地球信息科学学报,2015178):917-926

  [14]   王娇, 程维明*, 周成虎. 2015. 全月球撞击坑识别、分类及空间分布. 地理科学进展, 34(3): 330-339. DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.03.008

  [15]   方月,程维明*,周成虎,陈曦,田长彦,新疆土地耕作适宜性的多自然地理要素评价方法,地球信息科学学报,2015177):846-854

  [16]   程维明, 周成虎,多尺度数字地貌等级分类方法,地理科学进展. 2014, 33 (1): 23-33.

  [17]   程维明,王娇,周成虎,月表形貌特征研究进展及趋势分析,地理研究,2014336):1003-1014.

  [18]   仝迟鸣, 周成虎, 程维明*, 张文杰, 王娇, 刘海江,基于DEM的黄土塬形态特征分析及发育阶段划分,地理科学进展. 2014, 33 (1): 42-49.

  [19]   张文杰,程维明*,李宝林,周成虎,仝迟鸣,黄土高原丘陵沟壑区切沟侵蚀与地形关系分析—纸坊沟流域为例,地球信息科学学报,2014, 161):87-94.

  [20]   王娇,程维明*,祁生林,周成虎,张文杰,仝迟鸣,基于USLEGIS的水土流失敏感性空间分析以河北太行山区为例,地理研究,2014334):614-624.

  [21]   张文杰,程维明*,李宝林,仝迟鸣,赵敏,王楠,气候变化下的祁连山地区近40年多年冻土分布变化模拟,地理研究,2014337):1275-1284.

  [22]   王娇,程维明*,周成虎,赵敏,全月球撞击坑形貌特征的识别与多指标表达,地理研究,2014337):1251-1263.

  [23]   赵尚民,程维明,山西省多级行政单元的数字地貌分布特征,太原理工大学学报,2014454):542-547.

  [24]   程维明,夏遥,曹玉尧,宋杨,刘海江,区域泥石流孕灾环境危险性评价—以北京军都山区为例,地理研究,2013324):595 -606.

  [25]   李炳元,潘保田,程维明等,中国地貌区划新论,地理学报,683):291-306.

  [26]   申元村,程维明*,朱会义,姜广辉,北京市域土地类型基本分级与指标体系实证研究,地理研究,20133211):1979-1986.

  [27]   谭克龙,王晓峰,高会军,程维明*,塔里木河流域综合治理生态要素变化的遥感分析,地球信息科学学报,2013154):604-610.

  [28]   程维明,柴慧霞,周成虎,田长彦,吴世新,汤奇成,2012. 基于水资源分区和地貌特征的新疆耕地资源变化分析. 自然资源学报,27(11)1809-1822.

  [29]   周增坡,程维明*,万丛,侯琳,月球正面撞击坑的空间分布特征分析,地球信息科学学报,2012145):618-626.

  [30]   赵尚民,周成虎,程维明*,陈曦,2011. 青藏高原西北缘地形抬升速率与地质年代的关系. 山地学报,295):616-626.

  [31]   宋杨,程维明*,柏延臣,万丛,申元村,蒋艳,刘海江,2011. 密云水库周边山区滑坡泥石流易发区预估. 地理科学进展, 303):343-351.

  [32]   牛全福,程维明*,兰恒星,刘勇,颉耀文,2011. 基于信息量模型的玉树地震次生地质灾害危险性评价. 山地学报,292):243-249.

  [33]   周增坡,程维明*,周成虎,万丛,曹玉尧,2011. 基于“嫦娥一号”的月表形貌特征分析与自动提取. 科学通报,561):18-26.

  [34]   程维明,赵尚民,2009. 中国冰川地貌空间分布格局研究. 冰川冻土,314):587-596.

  [35]   程维明,柴慧霞,周成虎,陈曦,2009. 新疆地貌空间分布格局分析. 地理研究,285):1157-1169.

  [36]   程维明,周成虎,柴慧霞,赵尚民,李炳元,2009. 中国陆地地貌基本形态类型定量提取与分析. 地球信息科学学报,116):725-736.

  [37]   钱金凯,宋阳,程维明*2009. 中国1:100万数字地貌图符号与注记系统库的设计和应用. 地球信息科学学报,116):778-785.

  [38]   钱金凯,宋阳,程维明*2009. 中国1100万地貌图色彩系统的设计与建库. 地球信息科学学报,116):786-794

  [39]   程维明,周成虎,励惠国,王英杰,刘高焕,2009. 地貌从脚踏实地开始纪念陈述彭先生逝世一周年. 地理信息世界,75):25-28.

  [40]   程维明,周成虎等,玛纳斯河流域50年绿洲扩张及生态环境演变研究,中国科学 D辑 地球科学,20063511):1074-1086.



  [1] 程维明,包安明,柴慧霞,赵尚民,方月,新疆地貌格局及其效应,北京:科学出版社,2018

  [2] 程维明,2016,月球形貌科学概论,北京:地质出版社

  [3] 程维明,赵尚民,叶庆华,张文杰,2017,青藏高原高寒地貌格局与变化,北京:科学出版社

  [4] 周成虎(主编),程维明(编委之一). 2007. 地貌学词典. 中国水利水电出版社.

  [5] 李吉均,周成虎,程维明等. 2009. 中华人民共和国地貌图集(1:100. 科学出版社.

  [6] 周成虎,程维明,钱金凯. 2009. 数字地貌遥感解析与制图. 科学出版社.






  Email: chengwm@lreis.ac.cn
