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[14]  Tang,R. L.,Li,Z.-L.,Sun,X.,Bi,Y. (2017). Temporal upscaling of instantaneous evapotranspirationon clear-sky days using the constant reference evaporative fraction method with fixed or variable surface. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,122,784~801.

[15]  Tang,R. L.,Li,Z.-L. (2015). Evaluation of two end-member-based models for regional land surface evapotranspiration estimation from MODIS data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,202,69-82.

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[19]  Tang,R. L.,Li,Z.-L.,Chen,K.-S. (2011). Validating MODIS‐derived land surface evapotranspiration with in situ measurements at two AmeriFlux sites in a semiarid region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,116(D4).

[20]  Tang,R. L.,Li,Z.-L.,Tang,B. (2010). An application of the Ts–VI triangle method with enhanced edges determination for evapotranspiration estimation from MODIS data in arid and semi-arid regions: Implementation and validation. Remote Sensing of Environment,114(3),540-551.




