1. Qi Y C, Dong Y S, Jin Z, et al. Spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients and soil respiration in the desertified grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. Pedosphere, 2010, in press.
2. Qi Y C, Dong Y S, Liu L X, et al. Spatial-temporal variation in soil respiration and its controlling factors in three steppes of Stipa L. in Inner Mongolia, China. Science in China: series D, 2010, in press.
3. Qi Y C, Dong Y S, Liu J Y, et al. Effect of the conversion of grassland to the spring wheat field on the CO2 emission characteristics in Inner Mongolia, China. Soil and Tillage Research, 2007, 94:310-320.
4. Qi Y C, Dong Y S, Manfred D, et al. Comparison of CO2 effluxes and their driving factors between two temperate steppes of Inner Mongolia, China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2006, 23(5):725-735.
5. Qi Y C, Dong Y S, Liu J Y, et al. Daily variation characteristics of CO2 emission fluxes and contributions of environmental factors in semiarid grassland of Inner Mongolia, China. Science in China: Series D, 2005, 48 (7):1052-1064.
6. Dong Y S, Qi Y C, Liu J Y, et al Emission characteristics of carbon dioxide in the semiarid Stipa grandis steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2006, 18(3): 488-494.
7. Dong Y S, Qi Y C, Liu J Y, et al. Variation characteristics of soil respiration fluxes in four types of grassland communities under different precipitation intensity. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, 50(6):583-591.
8. Dong Y S, Qi Y C, Luo J, et al. Experimental study on N2O, CH4 fluxes from the dark coniferous forest zone soil of the Gongga Mountain, China. Science in China: Series D, 2003, 46(3): 285-295.
9. Jin Z, Qi Y C, Dong Y S, et al. Seasonal patterns of soil respiration in three types of communities along grass—desert shrub transition in Inner Mongolia,China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2009, 26 (3):503-512.
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16. 齐玉春, 董云社, 章申. 华北平原典型农业区土壤甲烷通量研究. 农村生态环境,2002, 18 (3):56-58,60.
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