




http://people.ucas.ac.cn/~zhenggd (中国科学院大学网站)







  参与研制的“污泥好氧生物发酵处理成套设备研发与应用”获2012年北京市科学技术奖一等奖 (排名第3).



  ISO TC 275污泥回收、循环、处理和处置标准化技术委员会,委员(2016~)

  中国植物营养与肥料学会, 理事 (2016~2021)

  中国植物营养与肥料学会测试技术专业委员会, 委员 (2016~2021)

  国家畜禽养殖废弃物资源化处理科技创新联盟, 理事 (2017~2022)

  全国城镇环境卫生标准化技术委员会, 委员 (2018~2023)

  恶臭污染控制产业技术创新战略联盟, 专家委员会委员 (2018~2021)

  恶臭污染控制产业技术创新战略联盟, 副理事长 (2018~2021)

  《应用生态学报》编委 (2021~2025)


1)      国家重点研发计划课题:西南粮食主产区农田重金属污染分区分级治理与安全种植区划, 主持,  2018.7—2020.12

2)      国家重点研发计划专题:畜禽养殖过程中臭味物质识别与监测技术研发, 主持, 2016.7—2020.12

3)      国家科技支撑计划课题:生活垃圾收运与处理系统智能监控技术及装备开发, 主持, 2014.1—2017.12

4)      国家自然科学基金面上项目:污泥堆肥过程中三氯生的降解转化规律及其环境风险研究, 主持, 2014.1—2017.12

5)      国家科技支撑计划专题:城市垃圾厌氧发酵处理厂臭气快速监测技术及在线监测设备研发,副主持, 2013.1—2015.12

6)      中国科学院特色所项目课题:土壤和地下水修复技术的集成与示范, 主持, 2015.10—2018.10

7)      国家自然科学基金青年基金:环境激素壬基酚(NP)在城市污泥好氧发酵过程中的降解与调控, 主持, 2012.1—2014.12

8)      环保公益项目专题:污泥处置设施环境安全评价技术研究,负责人, 2012.1—2014.12

9)      亚洲开发银行合作项目:Promoting Municipal Solid Waste Management through Composting(ADB TA-7450),负责人

10)   中国科学院科教结合教育创新项目:废弃物资源化与污染环境修复工程实验技能培训(科发人教函字〔201165),项目执行人


1)      国家标准:农用污泥污染物控制标准(GB 4284-2018

2)      住房和城乡建设部标准:一体化好氧发酵设备(CJ/T 505-2017

3)      河南省城镇污水处理厂污泥土地利用技术规范(DBJ41/T178-2017

4)      住房和城乡建设部标准:堆肥翻堆机(CJ/T 506-2016

5)      住房和城乡建设部标准:垃圾源臭气实时在线监测设备(CJ/T 465-2015(优秀标准)

6)      广西城镇污水处理厂污泥产物土地利用技术规范(DBJ/T45-003-2015

7)      环境保护部:污染场地修复技术目录(第一批)(公告 2014 75)

8)      住房和城乡建设部标准:好氧堆肥氧气自动监测设备(CJ/T 408-2012

9)      住房和城乡建设部标准:城镇污水处理厂污泥处置 林地用泥质(CJ/T 362-2011

10)   住房和城乡建设部标准:堆肥自动监测与控制设备(CJ/T 369-2011

11)   住房和城乡建设部标准:城镇污水处理厂污泥处置 农用泥质(CJ/T 309-2009


1)      郑国砥,邵珠泽,陈同斌,聂二旗. 一种有机废物处理设施恶臭气体检测设备, 专利号: 201721170426.7

2)      郑国砥,邵珠泽,陈同斌,聂二旗. 基于传感器的有机废物处理设施恶臭监测系统, 专利号: 201721170563.0

3)      郑国砥,邵珠泽,陈同斌. 一种恶臭气体传感器汇流装置, 专利号: ZL201720557296.6

4)      郑国砥,陈同斌,高定,陈俊. 一种用于堆肥的除臭材料及制法和应用专利号: ZL201210148460.X


1)      Guodi Zheng*, Bao Yu, Yuewei Wang, Chuang Ma, Tongbin Chen. Fate and biodegradation characteristics of triclocarban in wastewater treatment plants and sewage sludge composting processes and risk assessment after entering the ecological environment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 412: 125270

2)      Xiaochen Yao, Yun Cao, Guodi Zheng*, Adam T. Devlin, Bao Yu, Xin Hou, Siwen Tang, Lingming Xu, Yuanhong Lu. Application of life cycle assessment and water quality approaches to evaluate bioremediation technology applied on polluted water. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 761:143260

3)      Lu Cai, Meng-Ke Cao, Tong-Bin Chen, Han-Tong Guo, Guo-Di Zheng*. Microbial degradation in the co-composting of pig manure and biogas residue using a recyclable cement-based synthetic amendment. Waste Management, 2021, WM12677(待刊)

4)      刘珺婉, 郑国砥*, 陈同斌, 于豹, 石晓晓, 马闯. 不同通风处理对城市污泥堆肥过程中硫素的转化特征研究. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2021, 27(1): 135-143

5)      石晓晓, 郑国砥*, 高定, 陈同斌. 中国畜禽粪便养分资源化总量及替代化肥潜力. 资源科学, 2021, 43(2) (待刊)

6)      Meng-Ke Cao, Han-Tong Guo, Guo-Di Zheng, Tong-Bin Chen, Lu Cai*. Microbial succession and degradation during kitchen waste biodrying, highlighting the thermophilic phase. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 326: 124762

7)      Yu Guo, Xianyuan Du, Hongkun Chen, Guodi Zheng, Xinyu Zhang*, Qiubing Wang. Influence of shale gas development on core forests in the subtropical karst region in southwestern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 771:145287

8)      Guodi Zheng*, Bao Yu, Yuewei Wang, Chuang Ma, Tongbin Chen. Removal of triclosan during wastewater treatment process and sewage sludge composting—A case study in the middle reaches of the Yellow River. Environment International, 2020, 134:105300

9)      Guodi Zheng*, Junwan Liu, Zhuze Shao, Tongbin Chen. Emission characteristics and health risk assessment of VOCs from a food waste anaerobic digestion plant: A case study of Suzhou, China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 257:113546

10)   Erqi Nie, Ding Gao, Guodi Zheng*. Effects of lactic acid on modulating the ammonia emissions in co-composts of poultry litter with slaughter sludge. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 315:123812

11)   Xiaoxiao Shi, Guodi Zheng*, Zhuze Shao, Ding Gao. Effect of source-classified and mixed collection from residential household waste bins on the emission characteristics of volatile organic compounds. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 707:135478

12)   Wang Xiankai, Tongbin Chen, Guodi Zheng*. Preservation of nitrogen and sulfur and passivation of heavy metals during sewage sludge composting with KH2PO4 and FeSO4. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 297:122383

13)   Junwan Liu, Guodi Zheng*. Emission of volatile organic compounds from a small-scale municipal solid waste transfer station: Ozone-formation potential and health risk assessment. Waste Management, 2020, 106:193-202

14)   Guodi Zheng*, Xiankai Wang*, Tongbin Chen, Jun Yang, Junxing Yang, Junwan Liu, Xiaoxiao Shi. Passivation of lead and cadmium and increase of the nutrient content during sewage sludge composting by phosphate amendments. Environmental Research, 2020, 185:109431

15)   Erqi Nie, Guodi Zheng*, Chuang Ma. Characterization of odorous pollution and health risk assessment of volatile organic compound emissions in swine facilities. Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 223:117233

16)   Xiankai Wang, Tongbin Chen, Guodi Zheng*. Perlite as the partial substitute for organic bulking agent during sewage sludge composting. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2020, 42:1517-1529

17)   尧晓晨, 曹昀*, 郑国砥, 李枭, 李梦涵, 汤思文, 许令明.灰化苔草对不同水位环境的生理适应性. 生态学报, 2020, 40(13):4628-4640

18)   Junmei Guo, Yue Guo, Jun Yang, Junxing Yang*, Guodi Zheng, Tongbin Chen, Zhitao Li*, Xuedong Wang, Jianlin Bian, Xiaofei Meng. Effects and interactions of cadmium and zinc on root morphology and metal translocation in two populations of Hylotelephium spectabile (Boreau) H. Ohba, a potential Cd-accumulating species. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27:21364-21375

19)   Junmei Guo, Jun Yang, Junxing Yang*, Guodi Zheng, Tongbin Chen, Jun Huang, Jianlin Bian, Xiaofei Meng. Water-soluble chitosan enhances phytoremediation efficiency of cadmium by Hylotelephium spectabile in contaminated soils. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 246:116559

20)   Kan Wang, Yang-Yan Wang, Tong-Bin Chen, Guo-Di Zheng, Meng-Ke Cao, Lu Cai*. Adding a recyclable amendment to facilitate sewage sludge biodrying and reduce costs. Chemosphere, 2020, 256:127009

21)   Yujun Shen, Haibin Zhou, Haibo Meng, Rui Guo, Guodi Zheng, Tongbin Chen*. Generation and emission of ammonia during the full?scale composting of sewage sludge. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2020, 11:4757-4766

22)   Erqi Nie, Guodi Zheng*, Ding Gao, Tongbin Chen, Junxing Yang, Yuewei Wang, Xiankai Wang. Emission characteristics of VOCs and potential ozone formation from a full-scale sewage sludge composting plant. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 659, 664-672

23)   Xiankai Wang, Guodi Zheng*, Tongbin Chen, Erqi Nie, Yuewei Wang, Xiaoxiao Shi, Junwan Liu. Application of ceramsite and activated alumina balls as recyclable bulking agents for sludge composting. Chemosphere, 2019, 218:42-51

24)   Xiankai Wang, Guodi Zheng*, Tongbin Chen, Xiaoxiao Shi, Yuewei Wang, Erqi Nie, Junwan Liu. Effect of phosphate amendments on improving the fertilizer efficiency and reducing the mobility of heavy metals during sewage sludge composting. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 235:124-132

25)   Bao Yu, Guodi Zheng*, Xuedong Wang, Min Wang, Tongbin Chen. Biodegradation of triclosan and triclocarban in sewage sludge during composting under three ventilation strategies. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2019, 13(3): 41

26)   聂二旗,郑国砥*,高定,刘晓燕. 适量通风显著降低鸡粪好氧堆肥过程中氮素损失. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2019, 25(10): 1773-1780

27)   石晓晓, 陈同斌, 郑国砥*, 高定. 有机固废堆肥过程的水分平衡模型研究进展. 中国土壤与肥料, 2019, (6):7-13

28)   Erqi Nie, Guodi Zheng*, Zhuze Shao, Jun Yang, Tongbin Chen. Emission characteristics and health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds produced during municipal solid waste composting. Waste Management, 2018, 79, 188-185

29)   Guodi Zheng*, Yuewei Wang, Xiankai Wang, Junxing Yang, Tongbin Chen. Oxygen monitoring equipment for sewage-sludge composting and its application to aeration optimization. Sensors, 2018, 18:4017

30)   Guodi Zheng*, Tieyu Wang, Mingjie Niu, Xijuan Chen, Changli Liu, Yuewei Wang, Tongbin Chen. Biodegradation of nonylphenol during aerobic composting of sewage sludge under two intermittent aeration treatments in a full-scale plant. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 238, 783-791

31)   Lu Cai*, Tong-Bin Chen, Sheng-Wei Zheng, Hong-Tao Liu, Guo-Di Zheng. Decomposition of lignocellulose and readily degradable carbohydrates during sewage sludge biodrying, insights of the potential role of microorganisms from a metagenomic analysis. Chemosphere, 2018, 201:127-136

32)   Lu Cai*, Sheng-Wei Zheng, Yu-Jun Shen, Guo-Di Zheng, Hong-Tao Liu, Zhi-Ying Wu. Complete genome sequence provides insights into the biodrying-related microbial function of Bacillus thermoamylovorans isolated from sewage sludge biodrying material. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 260, 141-149

33)   Han-Yan Zhang, Thomas Krafft, Ding Gao, Guo-Di Zheng, Lu Cai*. Lignocellulose biodegradation in the biodrying process of sewage sludge and sawdust. Drying Technology, 2018, 36:3, 316-324

34)   聂二旗, 张心昱*, 郑国砥, 杨洋, 王辉民, 陈伏生, 孙晓敏. 氮磷添加对杉木林土壤碳氮矿化速率及酶动力学特征的影响.生态学报, 2018, 38(2):615-623

35)   刘长利, 郑国砥*, 王磊, 陈同斌, 邵珠泽, 陈琳. 养猪场空气中抗性基因和条件致病菌污染特征. 应用生态学报, 2018, 29: 2730-2738






E-mail: zhenggd # igsnrr.ac.cn (发邮件时把#换为@)
