


主持国家自然科学基金项目、部委委托规划和咨询项目、中国科学院特别专项课题、中国科学院院士咨询项目课题、中国工程院重大咨询项目课题、国家科技平台课题、中国科学院先导专项专题及科技部重点研发计划专题等近20项。已发表学术论文100余篇,第一/通讯作者SCI论文40余篇,代表性论文发表在ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingCatenaScience of the Total EnvironmentEnvironmental Research Letters等期刊,成果被多个TOP期刊引用和长篇引述,中国日报网等报道转载,并被中央领导批示和国家部委采纳,应用于首个全国国土空间规划。任Land Degradation & Development编委(2022-),入选中国科学院首批特聘研究岗位骨干(2022),中国科学院青年创新促进会会员(2021)。




Erqi Xu, Hongqi Zhang. A stratified environmental reference system for better understanding of the relationship between remote sensing observations and ground monitoring of karst rocky desertification. Land Degradation & Development. 2022, 33:1366–1382.

Kewei Li, Erqi Xu*. High-accuracy continuous mapping of surface water dynamics using automatic update of training samples and temporal consistency modification based on Google Earth Engine: A case study from Huizhou, China. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2021, 179:66-80.

Zhaotong Zhang, Erqi Xu*, Hongqi Zhang. Complex network and redundancy analysis of spatial–temporal dynamic changes and driving forces behind changes in oases within the Tarim Basin in northwestern China. Catena, 2021, 201, 105216.

Erqi Xu, Hongqi Zhang. Change pathway and intersection of rainfall, soil, and land use influencing water-related soil erosion. Ecological Indicators. 2020, 113, 106281.

Kewei Li, Erqi Xu*. Cropland data fusion and correction using spatialanalysis techniques and the Google Earth Engine. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 2020, 57(8): 1026-1045.

Erqi Xu, Hongqi Zhang, Yongmei Xu. Exploring land reclamation history: Soil organic carbon sequestration due to dramatic oasis agriculture expansion in arid region of Northwest China. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 108: 105746.

Erqi Xu, Hongqi Zhang. A spatial simulation model for karst rocky desertification combining top-down and bottom-up approaches. Land Degradation & Development. 2018, 29(10): 3390-3404.

Erqi Xu, Hongqi Zhang. A model for integrated spatial land use characteristics linking to surface nutrient concentration. International Journal of Digital Earth. 2018, 11(10): 1064-1084.

Erqi Xu, Hongqi Zhang. Aggregating land use quantity and intensity to link water quality in upper catchment of Miyun Reservoir. Ecological Indicators. 2016, 66: 329-339.

Erqi Xu, Hongqi Zhang, Mengxian Li. Object-based mapping of karst rocky desertification using Support Vector Machine. Land Degradation & Development. 2015, 26: 158-167.

Erqi Xu, Hongqi Zhang. Characterization and interaction of driving factors in karst rocky desertification: a case study from Changshun, China. Solid Earth. 2014. 5: 1329–1340.

Erqi Xu, Hongqi Zhang. Spatially-explicit sensitivity analysis for land suitability evaluation. Applied Geography. 2013, 45: 1-9.

Erqi Xu, Hongqi Zhang, Mengxian Li. Mining spatial information to investigate the evolution of karst rocky desertification and its human driving forces in Changshun, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2013, 458-460: 419-426.


联系方式:电话:010-64889450Email: xueq@igsnrr.ac.cn
