



主持完成中国科学院对外合作重点项目、科技部国家基础资源调查专项子课题、中科院先导A重大专项子课题、青藏二次重大专项科考子专题、国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题、国家自然基金对外合作重点项目等重点课题以及自然基金、中科院、部委和地方课题及国际合作项目等科研课题40余项。以第一或通讯作者身份,在《Environment Science & Technology》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》《Ecological Modelling》、《Energy Policy》、《Chinese Geographical Science》、《Sustainability》、《地理学报》、《地理研究》、《地理科学进展》等国内外SCI检索(含一区top期刊4篇)、SSCI检索期刊及重要核心学术期刊发表学术论文60余篇,参与撰写学术论著5部,专利3项。主笔及参与撰写的16份重要咨询报告,被国务院办公厅、中央办公厅采用,其中7份获得副总理以上(含副总理)中央领导批示。 



[1]   Chenghao, Dongsuocheng, Lifujia*(通讯作者), Yangyang, Lishantong. Multiregional Input-Output Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Evolution Driving Force for Carbon Emissions Embodied in Interprovincial Trade and Optimization Policies: Case Study of Northeast Industrial District in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 2018(52):346-358. (SCI)  

[2]   Chenghao, Dongsuocheng, Lifujia*(通讯作者). et al. A circular economy system for breaking the development dilemma of ecological FragilityEconomic povertyvicious circle: A CEEPS-SD analysis[J]. Journal of cleaner production, 2019, 212: 381-392. (SCI) 

[3]   Yu Li, Fujia Li(通讯作者),Re-estimating CO2 emission factors for gasoline passenger cars adding driving behaviour characteristics——A case study of Beijing. Energy Policy 102 (2017) 353361  (SCI) 

[4]   Lifujia, Liuqian, Dongsuocheng, et al. Investment Environment Assessment and Strategic Policy for Subjects of Federation in Russia[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 1-18. (第一作者,SCI 

[5]   Dongsuocheng, Yangyang, Lifujia*(通讯作者), Chenghao, Lijingnan, Bilgaev Alexey, Lizehong, Liyu. An evaluation of the economic, social, and ecological risks of China-Mongolia-Russia high-speed railway construction and policy suggestions. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(7):900-918. (SCI) 

[6]   Lifujia, Liuqian, Dongsuocheng, Chenghao*. Agricultural development status and key cooperation directions between China and countries along The Belt and Road. Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 190(2018): 012058. (第一作者,SCI 

[7]   Chenghao, Dongsuocheng, Lifujia*(通讯作者).Transportation industry patterns and strategy for the countries along The Belt and Road. Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 190(2018): 012049.  

[8]   Dongsuocheng, Liyu, Lizehong, Lifujia*(通讯作者), Chenghao, Bilgaev Alexey, Bazarzhapov T. Ecological environment risks and green development modes of China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor. Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 190(2018): 12053.  

[9]   Chenghao, Lifujia*(通讯作者), Yangyang, Liyu, Bilgaev Alexey. Assessment of economic benefits and ecological ampacts and optimization policy for China-Mogolia-Russia. Natural hazards, modern environmental risks and ecosystem resilience: VII Druzhinin's Readings, 2018.  

[10] Chenghao, Dongsuocheng, Liyu, Lifujia*(通讯作者). Landscape patterns and recreational value of Hulu Watershed, Gansu province, China. Baikal as a world natural heritage site: 20 years later, 2017.  

[11] Chenghao, Dongsuocheng, Liyu, Lifujia*(通讯作者). Rural development influencing factors and modes selection for typical agriculture and pastoral area: a case study of Wushen Banner, Inner Mongolia, China. International conference on environmental sciences and technology, 2017.  

[12] Wangzhe, Dongsuocheng, Liyu, Lifujia*(通讯作者), Lizehong, Chenfeng, Chenghao. Simulation of industrial circular economy development model in less-developed area based on system dynamics. Environment and sustainable development of the Mongolian Plateau and surrounding territories, 2017:169-171.  

[13] 孙九林,董锁成,李泽红,李宇,李富佳.新时代我国自然资源综合科学考察研究的挑战与展望[J].自然资源学报,2020,35(08):1789-1801. 

[14] 董锁成,杨洋,李富佳(通讯作者),程昊,李静楠,BILGAEV Alexey,李泽红,李宇.中蒙俄高铁建设的影响机理及对策[J].地理学报,2019,74(02):297-311.  

[15] 杨洋,董锁成,李富佳(通讯作者),程昊,刘倩,李泽红,李宇.东北振兴与俄罗斯远东和贝加尔地区开发战略契合机制研究[J].资源科学,2019,41(01):43-52. 









