








主持三项国家自然科学基金面上项目:生态资源对生态产品价值实现的支持与可持续利用模拟2025-2028),土地利用生命周期内的生态系统服务权衡与区域可持续发展模拟(2020-2023增温下高寒草地多项生态系统服务权衡的关键因子及区域模拟(2016-2019,一项国家自然科学青年基金项目:多项生态系统服务相互影响机理及其土地利用调控模拟(2013-2015。另主持和参与中国科学院STS计划课题及国家重点研发计划专题等。主持及参与西藏、河北、北京等多地县市国土空间规划、生态环境规划等项目。在Resources, Conservation & RecyclingSustainable Cities and Society等一区顶刊上发表多篇论文。


(ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ying-Pan-23)

1.  Lyu, F., Wu, J., Yu, Z., Di, H.J., Pan, Y.*, 2024. Mapping ecological resource use and supply-consumption difference in China from 2000 to 2020. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 211, 107879. IF=11.2

2.  Pan, Y.*, Zhu, J., Zhang, Y., Li, Z., Wu, J., 2022. Poverty eradication and ecological resource security in development of the Tibetan Plateau. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 186, 106552.IF=11.2

3.  Zhao, Z., Pan, Y.*, Zhu, J., Wu, J., Zhu, R., 2022. The Impact of Urbanization on the Delivery of Public Service–Related SDGs in China. Sustainable Cities and Society 80, 103776.IF=10.5

4.  Pan, Y., Shi, K., Zhao, Z., Li, Y., Wu, J., 2024. The effects of China’s poverty eradication program on sustainability and inequality. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11(1), 119.

5.  Lyu, F., Pan, Y.*, Gong, C., Yu, Z., 2024. Poverty alleviation and ecological resource consumption across different agricultural zones: a case study of Inner Mongolia based on HANPP. Regional Environmental Change 24(3), 118.

6.  Pan, Y., Wu, J., Zhang, Y., 2023. Uncovering the effects of policies, climate, and economic development on carbon neutrality in southern Tibet, China. Carbon Management 14(1), 2227149.

7.  Pan, Y., Zhu, J., Zhao, Z., Li, Z., Wu, J., 2023. The dual effects of population migration on the achievement of sustainable development goals in Tibet, China. Environment, Development and Sustainability 25(7), 5931-5947.

8.  Lyu, F., Pan, Y.*, Yu, L., Wang, X., Yu, Z., 2023. The Impact of Anthropogenic Activities and Natural Factors on the Grassland over the Agro-Pastoral Ecotone of Inner Mongolia. Land 12(11), 2009.

9.  Zhu, J., Pan, Y.*, Zhao, Z., Li, Z., Wu, J., 2022. The Impacts of Relocation on the Livelihoods among Different Agro-pastoralist Groups in an Immigrated Village in Tibet. Journal of Resources and Ecology 13(5), 888-896.

10.  Pan Y., Wu J., Zhang Y., Zhang X. & Yu C. (2021) Simultaneous enhancement of ecosystem services and poverty reduction through adjustments to subsidy policies relating to grassland use in Tibet, China. Ecosystem Services 48: 101254.

11.  Zhang Y., Pan Y., Li M., Wang Z., Wu J., Zhang X. & Cao Y. (2021) Impacts of human appropriation of net primary production on ecosystem regulating services in Tibet. Ecosystem Services 47: 101231.

12.  Zhang Y., Pan Y., Zhang X., Wu J., Yu C., Li M. & Wu J. (2018) Patterns and dynamics of the human appropriation of net primary production and its components in Tibet. Journal of Environmental Management 210: 280-289.

13.  Wu J., Zhao Y., Yu C., Luo L. & Pan Y*. (2017) Land management influences trade-offs and the total supply of ecosystem services in alpine grassland in Tibet, China. Journal of Environmental Management 193: 70-78.

14.  Pan Y., Wu J. X., Luo L. M., Tu Y. L., Yu C. Q., Zhang X. Z., Miao Y. J., Zhao Y. & Yang J. L. (2017) Climatic and geographic factors affect ecosystem multifunctionality through biodiversity in the Tibetan alpine grasslands. Journal of Mountain Science 14: 1604-1614.

15.  Pan Y., Yu C., Zhang X., Chen B., Wu J., Tu Y., Miao Y. & Luo L. (2016) A modified framework for the regional assessment of climate and human impacts on net primary productivity. Ecological Indicators 60: 184-191.

16.  Pan Y., Yu Z., Holst J. & Doluschitz R. (2014) Integrated assessment of cropping patterns under different policy scenarios in Quzhou County, North China Plain. Land Use Policy 40: 131-139.

17.  Pan Y., Wu J. & Xu Z. (2014) Analysis of the tradeoffs between provisioning and regulating services from the perspective of varied share of net primary production in an alpine grassland ecosystem. Ecological Complexity 17: 79-86.

18.  Pan Y., Xu Z. & Wu J. (2013) Spatial differences of the supply of multiple ecosystem services and the environmental and land use factors affecting them. Ecosystem Services 5: 4-10.

19.  Zhang P., Liu Y., Pan Y. & Yu Z. (2013) Land use pattern optimization based on CLUE-S and SWAT models for agricultural non-point source pollution control. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 58: 588-595.

20.  Pan Y., Zhen L., Yang L., Helming K., Koenig H., Cao X., Li F., Wei Y., Liu X. & Long X. (2012) Ecological consequences of changing fuelwood consumption patterns in remote villages of Northwestern China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 10: 207-222.

21.  Pan Y., Roth A., Yu Z. & Doluschitz R. (2010) The impact of variation in scale on the behavior of a cellular automata used for land use change modeling. Computers Environment and Urban Systems 34: 400-408.

22.  赵忠旭, 潘影*, 张燕杰, 李振男, 武俊喜, 2022. 易地扶贫搬迁对西藏典型迁入村可持续发展的影响. 自然资源学报 37(7), 1815-1828.

23.  刘文平, 潘影*, 肖玉, 郧文聚, 2022. 中国耕地固碳增汇潜力与建议. 中国农业综合开发(05), 6-10.

24.  武俊喜,潘影*,李振男,张燕杰,赵忠旭,张宪洲,余成群.基于NPP分配的生产和生态功能协同提升模式——以西藏拉萨河谷半农半牧村为例.生态学报,2021(11):1-10

25.  赵忠旭,张燕杰,潘影,武俊喜,李振男.夜间灯光数据支持下西藏人类活动强度变化对生态系统调节服务的影响[J].地球信息科学学报,2020,22(07):1544-1554.

26.  潘影,张燕杰,武俊喜,张宪洲,余成群.基于遥感和无人机数据的草地NDVI影响因子多尺度分析[J].草地学报,2019,27(06):1766-1773.

27.  潘影,武俊喜,赵延,张燕杰,张晓庆,张宪洲,余成群.西藏河谷地区人工种草的投入产出比较分析[J].生态学报,2019,39(12):4488-4498.

28.  潘影,余成群,土艳丽,孙维,罗黎鸣,苗彦军,武俊喜.西藏草地植物功能性状与多项生态系统服务关系[J].生态学报,2015,35(20):6821-6828.

29.  潘影,徐增让,余成群,土艳丽,李艳,武俊喜.西藏草地多项供给及调节服务相互作用的时空演变规律[J].生态学报,2013,33(18):5794-5801.

30.  潘影,刘云慧,王静,宇振荣.基于CLUE-S模型的密云县面源污染控制景观安全格局分析[J].生态学报,2011,31(02):529-537.


