论文题目: Rationality of Xinjiang to undertake textile industry based on water resources carrying capacity
第一作者: Lin Haoxi, Huang Jinchuan, Chen Yunqian, Luo Kui
发表年度: 2021
摘  要:
英文摘要: As the main production area of high-quality cotton in China, Xinjiang is the core region to undertake the transfer of textile industry in the eastern region during the 13th Five Year Plan period, to build a national textile industry base, and to build Silk Road Economic Belt. Because of drought, uneven distribution of water resources, and fragile ecological environment in Xinjiang, the textile industry, as a high water-consuming industry, is of great significance to formulate industrial development policies, implement water resource management, and guarantee the sustainable development of ecological environment in Xinjiang by studying the pressure of water resources brought by the construction and development of industrial chain. In this paper, firstly, the characteristics of water resources development and utilization in Xinjiang are analyzed in order to clarify the current situation of water consumption in different counties and districts there based on scarcity and efficiency; then, the current situation of water consumption in textile-related industries in Xinjiang is made clear by analyzing the composition of water consumption in cotton planting and textile industry in China and Xinjiang; and finally, the pressure of water resources for undertaking textile industry in Xinjiang in the future is analyzed and the future development policy of textile industry in Xinjiang based on water resources is put forward by forecasting water demand of cotton planting and textile industry.
论文类别: SCI