论文题目: A Hierarchical Approach for Inland Lake Pollutant Load Allocation: A Case Study in Tangxun Lake Basin, Wuhan, China
第一作者: Zhou Y. Y., Wang J. H., Xiao W. H., Huang Y. H., Yang H. etc.
发表年度: 2021
摘  要:
英文摘要: Water pollution control is a challenging task in water resources management. It is widely believed that integrating efficiency and fairness of socio-economic factors is an effective solution for water problems of inland lake basins. In this paper, a hierarchical approach of Tri-level Pollutant Loading Allocation (TPLA) was developed for the optimal allocation of pollutant loading reduction. The top-down three levels allocation method adapted minimum marginal cost, Environmental Gini Coefficient (EGC) and water quality model to meet the set of water quality goal. The first level allocates pollution loading between point source and non-point source. The pollution loading in second level is allocated among all varieties of point sources based on minimum EGC method in terms of population and industrial added value, while the third level allocation is addressed in all sewage outlets. Tangxun Lake Basin, located in Wuhan, Central China, was selected as a case study, and CODMn was chosen as the representative pollution variable. Results show that the total CODMn loading reduction of point and non-point sources was allocated to 201.1 t/a and 24.1 t/a, respectively at the first level. Secondly, the districts within the lake basin are to cut off emission amounts to various extents. Results show that that the CODMn emission among the districts within the lake basin is more equally distributed by population than by industrial added value. Results also indicate that the impacts of inequality of population on CODMn emission are more likely to be relieved than that of industrial development in the lake basin. At the third level, the largest reduction amount of 142.21 t/a was found at Bee Jiaotou Plant outlet at Miaoshan District, followed by two outlets of 10.41 t/a in Zhifang District. Under this emission program, the CODMn concentration in the inner-lake region of the lake meet the water quality of grade III of the national standard. The TPLA model can provide an optimal pollutant loading allocation strategy that is easy to understand for stakeholders and flexible to apply in pollution loading allocation in inland lake basins.
论文类别: SCI