论文题目: Applicability of 12 PET estimation methods in different climate regions in China
第一作者: Zhao Lingling, Xu Fei, Xia Jun, Wu Hai
发表年度: 2021
摘  要:
英文摘要: Potential evapotranspiration (PET) is a comprehensive factor that characterises climate change, and considering the numerous methods to calculate PET, it is difficult to objectively select a method according to the requirements. In this study, the applicability of 12 commonly used PET estimation methods in China was studied. Based on temperature and humidity, China is divided into 11 temperature zones (TZ) and 5 arid and humid regions (AHRs). The study used the FAO Penman-Monteith (P-M) method as the standard, and the applicability of the 12 methods was analysed using four factors: correlation, annual mean values, seasonal distribution, and parameter characteristics. The results show that the radiation-based methods have the best monthly correlation with the P-M method, the temperature-based methods are second best, and mass-transfer-based methods perform the worst. Among these, the P-T method is the best, and the Hamon method is the worst. The Kharrufa and Abtew methods have the better applicability in higher TZs, whereas the Harg method has the least applicability. The seasonal distribution of radiation-based methods (excluding the Jensen method) in the different AHRs and different TZs is better than that of temperature-based and mass-transfer-based methods. According to the evaluation results of all factors, the Rohwer, P-T, and Mark methods are recommended when the data conditions are not conducive for the P-M method.
论文类别: SCI