论文题目: Generic Additive Allometric Models and Biomass Allocation for Two Natural Oak Species in Northeastern China
第一作者: Meng Shengwang, Yang Fan, Hu Sheng, Wang Haibin etc.
发表年度: 2021
摘  要:
英文摘要: Current models for oak species could not accurately estimate biomass in northeastern China, since they are usually restricted to Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb.) on local sites, and specifically, no biomass models are available for Liaodong oak (Quercus wutaishanica Mayr). The goal of this study was, therefore, to develop generic biomass models for both oak species on a large scale and evaluate the biomass allocation patterns within tree components. A total of 159 sample trees consisting of 120 Mongolian oak and 39 Liaodong oak were harvested and measured for wood (inside bark), bark, branch and foliage biomass. To account for the belowground biomass, 53 root systems were excavated following the aboveground harvest. The share of biomass allocated to different components was assessed by calculating the ratios. An aboveground additive system of biomass models and belowground equations were fitted based on predictors considering diameter (D), tree height (H), crown width (CW) and crown length (CL). Model parameters were estimated by jointly fitting the total and the components' equations using the weighted nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression method. A leave-one-out cross-validation procedure was used to evaluate the predictive ability. The results revealed that stem biomass accounts for about two-thirds of the aboveground biomass. The ratio of wood biomass holds constant and that of branches increases with increasing D, H, CW and CL, while a reverse trend was found for bark and foliage. The root-to-shoot ratio nonlinearly decreased with D, ranging from 1.06 to 0.11. Tree diameter proved to be a good predictor, especially for root biomass. Tree height is more prominent than crown size for improving stem biomass models, yet it puts negative effects on crown biomass models with non-significant coefficients. Crown width could help improve the fitting results of the branch and foliage biomass models. We conclude that the selected generic biomass models for Mongolian oak and Liaodong oak will vigorously promote the accuracy of biomass estimation.
论文类别: SCI