论文题目: Identifying the Development Potential for Urban Integration Based on Transport Accessibility-The Case for Northeast China
第一作者: Gou Yichao, Wang Chengjin, Dang Yi
发表年度: 2021
摘  要:
英文摘要: Urban integration, a new concept in urban and regional research, is an inevitable outcome of urban development. Based on accessibility analysis, this study uses urban and road network data to identify urban pairs in Northeast China which meet the distance threshold for urban integration and establishes an index system to evaluate the development potential. The research shows that in Northeast China, the results for urban integration are similar to those for the present urban structure in China, that is, a spatial pattern with provincial capital cities at the core and an urban belt as the axis. According to the evaluation, areas with potential for urban integration may be classified into four categories, namely, dominant areas, key areas, ordinary areas, and alternative areas. The candidate and potential areas for urban integration tend to be concentrated near a provincial capital city or a regional development zone. The results show that the development potential for urban integration varies greatly among the different urban pairs and the main constraining factors are different for each location. Among the constraining factors, the commuting time, costs, and economic conditions for the citizens are the most important.
论文类别: SCI