论文题目: An Empirical Mode Decomposition for Establishing Spatiotemporal Air Quality Trends in Shandong Province, China
第一作者: Wu Huisheng, Hu Maogui, Zhang Yaping, Han Yuan
发表年度: 2021
摘  要:
英文摘要: Air pollution is a serious problem in China, and the government has taken a series of steps to solve it. However, it is still u2nclear how the situation has improved after years of atmospheric pollution control. Shandong Province, which has the second largest population and the highest coal consumption in China, was chosen to analyze the spatiotemporal air quality trends. We obtained daily air quality index (AQI) values from 91 stations in the province from 1 January 2014, to 31 December 2019, based on an adaptive data analysis method, empirical mode decomposition (EMD). The distribution of AQI in Shandong Province was heterogeneous at both spatial and temporal scales. All the stations could be divided into four clusters whose AQI trends decreased from 75 to 53, 95 to 68, 128 to 82, and 148 to 82, respectively. The overall trend of pollution became more serious from east to west in the province. The AQI is the largest in winter, followed by spring and autumn, and the smallest index occurs in summer. There are four types of annual trends of the AQI of each city. The overall downward trend indicates that the air quality of each city was improving annually.
论文类别: SCI