论文题目: Semi-Supervised Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks for Time Series Land Cover Classification
第一作者: Shen Jing, Tao Chao, Qi Ji, Wang Hao
发表年度: 2021
摘  要:
英文摘要: Time series images with temporal features are beneficial to improve the classification accuracy. For abstract temporal and spatial contextual information, deep neural networks have become an effective method. However, there is usually a lack of sufficient samples in network training: one is the loss of images or the discontinuous distribution of time series data because of the inevitable cloud cover, and the other is the lack of known labeled data. In this paper, we proposed a Semi-supervised convolutional Long Short-Term Memory neural network (SemiLSTM) for time series remote sensing images, which was validated on three data sets with different time distributions. It achieves an accurate and automated land cover classification via a small number of labeled samples and a large number of unlabeled samples. Besides, it is a robust classification algorithm for time series optical images with cloud coverage, which reduces the requirements for cloudless remote sensing images and can be widely used in areas that are often obscured by clouds, such as subtropical areas. In conclusion, this method makes full advantage of spectral-spatial-temporal characteristics under the condition of limited training samples, especially expanding time context information to enhance classification accuracy.
论文类别: SCI