2025年3月15日 星期六
论文题目: The impacts of vegetation on the soil surface freezing-thawing processes at permafrost southern edge simulated by an improved process-based ecosystem model
第一作者: Liu Zhenhai, Chen Bin, Wang Shaoqiang, Wang Qinyi etc.
发表年度: 2021
摘  要:
英文摘要: Permafrost degradation due to climate warming would potentially increase the release of previously frozen soil carbon and change the carbon budget of the cold region ecosystem. The underlying permafrost degradation would be effectively mediated by soil surface freezing-thawing (FT) processes. Aboveground vegetation can regulate soil FT processes, however its effects on ground thermal transfer have not been well represented by ecosystem models. In this study, we improved the hydrothermal module of the Boreal Ecosystem Productivity Simulator (BEPS) through more careful parameterization of snowpack density, puddled water, soil organic matter and super-cooled soil water. The impacts of vegetation on the soil surface FT processes have also been investigated using the improved BEPS model and the measured soil temperature data at forest and grassland sites on the southern edge of permafrost region in Mongolia and northeastern China. The improved BEPS model performs better than the original model in simulations of soil temperature and soil FT processes. Smaller amplitudes of soil diurnal FT cycles were found in forest sites compared to grassland sites. Forest sites have delayed soil thaw timing and similar soil freezing time compared to grassland sites. Differences in snow depths and soil organic matter content due to distinct vegetation community structures have considerable influences on the disparity in soil FT processes. Thus, it is important to improve the simulation of the impacts of vegetation on soil surface FT processes for better forecasting the permafrost degradation.
论文类别: SCI