2025年3月26日 星期三
论文题目: Large-scale forest conservation and restoration programs significantly contributed to land surface greening in China
第一作者: Zhao Haiwei, Wu Chaoyang, Wang Xiaoyue
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: China has implemented a portfolio of large-scale forest conservation and restoration programs (FCRPs) to advance the sustainable management of forests. However, the contributions of these programs to forest recovery and land surface greening were generally evaluated on a local scale, which hindered the systematic planning of FCRPs. In this study, we analyzed the spatiotemporal patterns of tree cover (TC) change before and after the intensification of FCRPs using the Mann-Kendall test and the Theil-Sen slope estimator. With the improved phenology-based residual trend analysis (P-RESTREND) method, we derived the spatiotemporal patterns of human-induced tree cover (TCH) change on the national scale. Then, we calculated the effectiveness index of FCRPs at the provincial level, based on which the effectiveness levels for the 31 provinces of mainland China were classified. Our study showed that the area of forested lands with a significant greening trend was almost five times larger in the post-intensification phase (1999-2015) than in the pre-intensification phase of FCRPs (1982-1998). More than 29.9% of the forested lands were significantly improved in TC by human activities in the post-intensification phase. Provinces with high effectiveness levels were generally distributed in humid areas, whereas the majority of provinces with low and moderately low effectiveness levels were spread in arid and semi-arid regions. We concluded that the implementation of FCRPs had contributed greatly to the land surface greening in China. Moreover, the effectiveness of FCRPs in forest recovery was heterogeneous at the provincial level and was driven by multiple natural and socioeconomic factors.
论文类别: SCI