2025年3月25日 星期二
论文题目: Particle Size Distribution Characteristics Within Different Regions of Mature Squall-Line Based on the Analysis of Global Precipitation Measurement Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar Retrieval
第一作者: Zhu Ziwei, Qi Youcun, Cao Qing, Li Donghuan etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Particle size distribution (PSD) characteristics of mature squall lines are investigated through global precipitation measurement (GPM) dual-frequency precipitation radar (DPR) measurements. These squall lines consist of a leading convective (LC) line, a weak-echo transition (WT) region and a trailing stratiform (TS) region. Their PSD characteristics are quite different from the existing conceptual models of mature squall line, given that many small raindrops/ice particles are found in the WT region while in the TS region raindrops/ice particles are sparse. Analysis shows that it is likely due to the short distance from LC to WT, where more particles may be dispersed from LC region and fall into WT region but barely have time to grow in size. In the TS region further behind LC, the particles have more time to get larger. Analysis also reveals that the mesoscale updraft generally occurs at mid-to-high levels in the TS region so that aggregations and collisions-coalescences could be promoted to increase the particle size but decrease the particle number. Through the GPM PSD data analysis, a refined conceptual model of a mesoscale convective system (MCS) with squall line is presented in this study.
论文类别: SCI