2025年3月26日 星期三
论文题目: Aboveground biomass allocation and additive allometric models of fifteen tree species in northeast China based on improved investigation methods
第一作者: Xu Zhenzhao, Du Wenxian, Zhou Guang, Qin Lihou etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Tree allometric models are crucial to accurate forest biomass assessment, but the acquisition of biomass data is one of the most important limitations in establishing biomass models. This study aims to propose an improved investigation method to quickly and practically obtain biomass data, establish species-specific allometric equations and evaluate the biomass allocation pattern for various tree species in a broad-leaved Korean pine forest in northeast China. Based on the non-destructive measurement and sampling of 390 trees from 15 tree species, partial and aggregate biomass models with DBH and DBH2 x H as predictors were established. Results indicated that all allometric models could effectively estimate the dependent variables, and almost no antilog correction was required. Specifically, for the stem and bark components of most tree species, using the DBH2 x H predictor improved the prediction performance of the model. However, DBH was the best predictor for branch and leaf biomass models. The biomass allocation of trees was affected by tree diameter. Small-diameter trees (DBH < 8) had more leaf investment than other size trees, medium-diameter trees (8 < DBH 20) increased the allocation of resources to stems, and large-diameter trees (DBH 20) paid more attention to the growth and accumulation of branches. Our allometric model and biomass allocation research based on the non-destructive measurement and sampling will help improve the accuracy of biomass assessment in broad-leaved Korean pine forests and advance our understanding of woody plant development and survival strategies.
论文类别: SCI