2025年3月28日 星期五
论文题目: Global patterns of particulate organic carbon export from land to the ocean
第一作者: Li Mingxu, Peng Changhui, He Nianpeng
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Global rivers and streams are important carbon transport pathways from land to the ocean. However, few studies have quantified terrigenous carbon dynamics in river ecosystems and its variations due to climate change and anthropogenic perturbations. Therefore, our study analysed fluvial particulate organic carbon (POC) and developed a processed-based model (TRIPLEX-HYDRA) to simulate the production, transport and removal (i.e., deposition, degradation and dam retention) processes of fluvial POC along the land-ocean aquatic continuum (LOAC). Based on our results, approximately 0.29 Pg of POC is exported from land to the ocean through rivers each year. More specifically, we found that rivers at low latitudes (30 degrees S-30 degrees N, 0.18 Pg yr(-1)) and high northern latitudes (60 degrees N-90 degrees N, 0.05 Pg yr(-1)) had higher POC fluxes compared to rivers in other regions. This high POC flux is related to strong erosion rates and high soil organic carbon storage. Additionally, our model simulation revealed that total POC flux from global river has not significantly changed from 1983 to 2015 but displays markedly decreased or increased trend at regional scale. These regional variations in POC export are affected by climate warming and dam construction. Moreover, approximately 0.46 Pg of POC is deposited or trapped by dams along the LOAC system, which plays a vital role in the global river carbon budget. Although some limitations and uncertainties remain, this study establishes a theoretical and methodological basis for quantifying riverine POC dynamics in the LOAC system.
论文类别: SCI