2025年3月23日 星期日
论文题目: Modeling the spatial relationship between rice cadmium and soil properties at a regional scale considering confounding effects and spatial heterogeneity
第一作者: Yang Jintao, Wang Jinfeng, Xu Chengdong, Liao Xiaoyong etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Most previous studies have indicated inconsistent relationships between rice cadmium (Cd) and the soil properties of paddy fields at a regional scale under the adverse effects of confounding factors and spatial heterogeneity. In order to reduce these effects, this study integrates Geodetector, a stepwise regression model, and a hierarchical Bayesian method (collectively called GDSH). The GDSH framework is validated in a large typical rice production area in southeastern China. According to the results, significant stratified heterogeneity of the bioaccumulation factor is observed among different subregions and pH strata (q = 0.23, p < 0.01). Additionally, the soil-rice relationships and dominant factors vary by the subregions, and the available soil Cd and pH are found to be the dominant factors in 64% and 50% of subregions, respectively. In the entire region, when the pH < 6, the dominant factors are organic matter and available Cd, and when pH >= 6 they are organic matter, pH, and available Cd. Furthermore, these factors presented different sensitivity to the spatial heterogeneity. The results indicate that, at the subregional level, the GDSH framework can reduce the confounding effects and accurately identify the dominant factors of rice Cd. At the regional level, this model can evaluate the sensitivity of the dominant factors to spatial heterogeneity in a large area. This study provides a new scheme for the complete utilization of regional field survey data, which is conducive to formulating precise pollution control strategies.
论文类别: SCI