2025年3月26日 星期三
论文题目: The spatial and seasonal dependency of daily precipitation extremes on the temperature in China from 1957 to 2017
第一作者: Chen Wenhui, Cui Huijuan, Ge Quansheng
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: The frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation in China increase generally with global warming. It is well-accepted that higher temperature increases water vapour in the atmosphere, leading to more extreme precipitation events. Assuming relative humidity stay constant, the Clausius-Clapeyron (C-C) relationship indicates that global precipitation extremes increase with temperature at a rate of approximately 7%/degrees C. This study investigated the dependency of daily precipitation extremes on the temperature using daily data of 525 stations in China during 1957-2017. Results showed that the peak structure and sub C-C scaling (0%/degrees C-5%/degrees C) were dominant in China, while the scaling rates exhibited a 'sub C-C, C-C like or super C-C, negative C-C' trend from southeast to northwest over China. The upper quartile of precipitation (P75) were more sensitive to temperature change than higher intensities. Unlike the scaling patterns in the whole year, the negative relationships were found dominant in most areas in summer, indicating that as summer's lowest temperature reaches the peak of the year, the negative scaling of extreme precipitation at higher temperatures were reinforced.
论文类别: SCI