2025年3月26日 星期三
论文题目: Land Surface Temperature Retrieval From Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Data Over Urban Areas Considering Geometry Effect: Method and Application
第一作者: Ru Chen, Duan Si-Bo, Jiang Xiao-Guang, Li Zhao-Liang etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Accurate retrieval of land surface temperature (LST) over urban areas is of great significance for urban thermal environment monitoring. In previous studies, most of the urban LST retrieval methods were developed based on the assumption of a flat surface without considering the influence of urban 3-D geometry structure, which has a significant impact on the retrieval accuracy of LST over urban areas. In this study, a radiative transfer equation (RTE)-based single-channel method was developed to retrieve LST with urban geometry effect correction from the Landsat 8 thermal infrared (TIR) data in band 10. The increase in adjacent radiance from the surrounding pixels and the decrease in atmospheric downwelling radiance caused by urban geometry structure were taken into account in this method. Because it is difficult to directly validate the retrieval accuracy of LST over urban areas using in situ LST measurements, the performance of the RTE-based LST retrieval method was evaluated via comparing brightness temperature (BT) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) simulated by the discrete anisotropic radiative transfer (DART) model and the urban RTE over three subregions. There is a good agreement between BT at the TOA simulated by the DART model and the urban RTE, with a root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of less than 0.25 K. The variations in LST retrieved with urban geometry effect correction over different local climate zones (LCZs) were analyzed. In general, built-up LCZs have relatively higher LST than land cover LCZs. The differences between LST retrieved without/with urban geometry effect correction over different LCZs are greater than 0.2 K. The largest average LST difference over built-up LCZs is approximately 0.9 K, whereas that over land cover LCZs is approximately 0.65 K. LST retrieved without/with urban geometry effect correction was used to calculate urban heat island intensity (UHII) in terms of the LCZ-based method. The results indicate that UHII calculated from LST with urban geometry effect correction is lower than that calculated from LST without urban geometry effect correction, with an average difference of approximately 0.5 K.
论文类别: SCI