2025年3月18日 星期二
论文题目: Global patterns and drivers of soil nematodes in response to nitrogen enrichment
第一作者: Xing Wen, Lu Xiaoming, Niu Shuli, Chen Dima etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Nitrogen (N) deposition significantly lessens ecosystem N limitation, and can even cause N saturation and soil acidification. The effects of N enrichment have been globally assessed for plants, microbial diversity and biomass. However, at higher trophic levels, the global patterns and controlling factors of soil nematodes fed by plants or microbes remain unclear in context of N enrichment. Here, we presented a meta-analysis of 66 N addition experiments on nematode diversity and abundance. Our results revealed a negative dependence of nematode diversity on the N addition rate; however, not for nematode abundance. Across climate gradients, N addition reduced nematode diversity in dry regions but enhanced it in moist regions. Furthermore, N inputs suppressed nematode abundance in cold regions but promoted it in warm regions. Between different trophic levels, the abundance of high trophic-level nematodes (omnivorous-carnivorous) was reduced more than low-level groups (plant-, bacteria-and fungi-feeding nematodes). This occurred through negative N-induced effects, including increased ammonium (NH4+), soil acidification, and reduced microbial biomass. This study indicates that the considerable reduction in nematode communities due to higher N loads in the future will diminish their top down impacts on plant and microbial activities and even simplify soil food web, particularly in cold and dry areas.
刊物名称: CATENA
论文类别: SCI