2025年3月18日 星期二
论文题目: Global gridded GDP data set consistent with the shared socioeconomic pathways
第一作者: Wang Tingting, Sun Fubao
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: The vulnerability, exposure and resilience of socioeconomic activities to future climate extremes call for high-resolution gridded GDP in climate change adaptation and mitigation research. While global socioeconomic projections are provided mainly at the national level, and downscaling approaches using nighttime light (NTL) images or gridded population data can increase the uncertainty due to limitations. Therefore, we adopt an NTL-population-based approach, which exhibits higher accuracy in socioeconomic disaggregation. Gross regional product of over 800 provinces, which covering over 60% of the global land surface and accounted for more than 80% of GDP in 2005, were used as input. We present a first set of comparable spatially explicit global gridded GDP projections with fine spatial resolutions of 30 arc-seconds and 0.25 arc-degrees for the historical period of 2005 and for 2030-2100 at 10-year intervals under the five SSPs, accounting for the two-child policy in China. This gridded GDP projection dataset can broaden the applicability of GDP data, the availability of which is necessary for socioeconomic and climate change research.
论文类别: SCI