2025年3月18日 星期二
论文题目: Measuring the conflict tendency between tourism development and ecological protection in protected areas: A study on National Nature Reserves in China
第一作者: Yuxi Zeng, Linsheng Zhong, Ling-en Wang, Hu Yu
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Managing conflict between tourism development and ecological protection is one of the challenges facing Protected Areas (PAs). Conflict tendency analysis could help to inform conflict management, but the existing studies lack consideration of accessibility and seasonality. This study aims to move forward by integrating traffic accessibility and monthly variation into analysis, as well as the type of ecological risk, through an application study on National Natural Reserves (NNRs) of China. The results show that 89.26% of NNRs have areas with a high probability of conflict, and 22% have monthly fluctuant coverage of high risk areas. According to their characteristics on monthly variations and dominant ecological risks, the studied NNRs can be classified into twenty types. Tailored conflict management strategies need to be adopted for different types. This research is conducive to improving the measurement of conflicts tendency between tourism development and ecological protection, especially for areas lacking historical tourism statistics, and to providing spatio-temporal information for practice in conflict management for PAs.
论文类别: SCI