2025年3月17日 星期一
论文题目: How climate change is going to affect urban livability in China
第一作者: Shi Chenchen, Guo Naliang, Zeng Linlan, Wu Feng
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: In the post-Paris Agreement era, with countries taking actions in climate adaptation, altering urban functions, which consequently changed urban livability. Urban disaster as one of the climate change consequences is also experienced by global cities, deteriorating urban livability. This study aims to explore the change of urban livability in the process of urban disaster impact and adaptation under climate change with the case of China. Climate information is applied in livability assessment to inform urban adaptation to climate change. While exploring how climate change is going to affect livability, the assessment framework also suggested positive changes in the mode of production and lifestyle to mitigate climate impact and build livable, resilient, and cooler cities. Urban social-ecological-technological systems are dynamic and are constantly responding to climate pressures. A composite index was constructed based on the pressure-state-response model and three key urban functions including livelihood, ecological, and production function. The index was employed to evaluate the spatial pattern of urban livability in 290 prefectural-level cities in China. Results showed spatial heterogeneity of urban livability in China across geographical location, administrative and economic development hierarchies. There is also the unevenness of urban functions in Chinese cities, with production and livelihood in the domination of urban livability. This calls for urban planners and managers to pay attention to strengthening urban ecological function through technical innovation and industrial transformation, which also suits the needs for climate adaptation.
论文类别: SCI