2025年3月17日 星期一
论文题目: Effects of land use change on ecosystem services in the China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor
第一作者: Li Jingwen, Dong Suocheng, Li Yu, Wang Yusheng etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Understanding the spatiotemporal characteristics of land use, ecosystem services, and their relationship provides a basis for the sustainable development of ecosystems. However, the effect of land use change on multiple ecosystem services has not been widely quantified, especially in transnational areas. This study analysed the spatiotemporal characteristics of land use change in the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor using the ESA-Global Land Cover product from 1992 to 2019. We used the InVEST model to evaluate the changes in carbon storage, habitat quality, water yield, and soil retention and quantified the contribution of land use to the changes in ecosystem services by calculating the ecosystem service contribution index (ESCI). The results showed that from 1992 to 2019, the urban/built-up environment and croplands increased by 22,010 km2 and 32,946 km2, respectively, which led to the continuous decline of forests. The implementation of ecological projects significantly decreased the barren environment. The value of four ecosystem services gradually decreased depending on the distance from the coastline and improved overall from 1992 to 2019. Land use conversion significantly affected ecosystem services. The expansion of croplands, urbanisation, and desertification had a significant negative impact on ecosystem services and the conversion to grasslands. Forests had a significant positive impact on ecosystem services. The findings will enrich our understanding of ecosystem services in transnational areas and help balance the relationship between ecological conservation and social-economic development in the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor.
论文类别: SCI