论文题目: High Level of Ammonium Nitrogen Increases Net Ecosystem Productivity in a Quercus liaotungensis Forest in Northern China
第一作者: Qiu Jingcong, Song Minghua, Li Yun, Wang Chunmei
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Forest ecosystems are vital to the terrestrial ecosystem's carbon (C) cycle. The effects of nitrogen (N) addition on C sequestration in forest ecosystems are critical for better understanding C dynamics when facing an increase in N availability. We conducted a six-year field experiment to examine the effects of N addition on C sequestration and net ecosystem productivity (NEP) in a Quercus liaotungensis forest in northern China. N addition resulted in a significant increase in biomass C storage (17.54-48.62%) and changed the distribution patterns of above and belowground biomass C storage, resulting in a 9.64 to 23.23% reduction in the proportion of belowground biomass C compared with the control. The annual average heterotrophic respiration was significantly increased by the additional N (by 0.06-0.94 Mg C ha(-1) yr(1)). In comparison with the control, the C sequestration efficiency driven by N addition ranged from 7.12 to 33.50 kg C/kg N. High-level N addition exerted stronger effects on ecosystem C sequestration than low-level N addition. NH4+-N, rather than NO3--N, dominated the increase in ecosystem C sequestration. We found that Q. liaotungensis forest acted as a C sink. The increase in NEP in the study forest in northern China was mainly due to an increase in net primary productivity (NPP) caused by N addition. Atmospheric N deposition increased the C sequestration efficiency depending on the rate and form of N deposition.
论文类别: SCI