论文题目: A multi-scale comparison of tourism attraction networks across China
第一作者: Gao Jialiang, Peng Peng, Lu Feng, Claramunt Christophe
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Tourist destination is a complex system of multiple interacting stakeholders. Although studies have applied network analytics to explore the structure of this system, majority are oriented towards the description of limited destinations, this not providing generalizable insights of the effect of different attraction patterns. This study develops a multi-scale multi-case network analytical framework that cross-compares the network properties of 340 destinations across China progressively from macro, meso to micro scale to dissect the effect mechanism. The study reveals that 1) destinations with larger markets exhibit significant Matthew effects, which tourists are more centralized on core attractions as the network expands; 2) the core-periphery structure is a beneficial pattern that strengthens interactions inside the core, and stimulates weak attractions from core to periphery; 3) motifs cooperation and affiliation promote coordination and sustainability of the system, while competition and structure hole, which maintains local preferential attractions, decrease the overall integrity and efficiency.
论文类别: SCI