论文题目: The Social Barrier of Strategic Coupling: A Case Study of the Letpadaung Copper Mine in Myanmar
第一作者: Ji Qidi, Liu Weidong, Song Tao, Gao Boyang
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Civil society is not as impotent as argued by many scholars in facing the pervasive force of economic globalization, and instead can play an important role in the strategic coupling of multinationals with localities. This study attempts to deepen existing research on the strategic coupling of mining production networks by emphasizing the role of social actors at different scales in the coupling process. It uses the qualitative survey method to provide analytical insights into the case of the Letpadaung Copper Mine in Myanmar, which is an investment of the Chinese company Wanbao Mining. Social actors represented by local communities and NGOs may have different interests from mining firms on issues such as land use, rural livelihoods, and environmental impacts, which constitute a sort of social barrier to strategic coupling. Wanbao Mining has taken steps to balance the intentions of multiple actors at different scales through bargaining, ultimately achieving an inclusive coupling that is a win-win for all parties. The concept of social barriers incorporates land-use issues into the strategic coupling research, contributing to the study of socio-economic and political issues of land in the context of globalization.
刊物名称: LAND
论文类别: SCI