2025年3月18日 星期二
论文题目: Analysis of Debris Flow Triggering Conditions for Different Rainfall Patterns Based on Satellite Rainfall Products in Hengduan Mountain Region, China
第一作者: Li Jing, Liu Zhaofei, Wang Rui, Zhang Xingxing etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Rainfall is the main factor that induces debris flow. Satellite rainfall products provide a new source of data in terms of debris flow-triggering conditions to overcome the lack of rainfall data coverage from ground-based rainfall gauges in large-scale mountainous regions. In this study, the applicability of four satellite rainfall products (CMORPH, GPM, MSWEP, and PERSIANN) in the Hengduan Mountain region (HMR) was evaluated with reference to ground observation data from 2000 to 2020. The critical rainfall and rainfall thresholds under different rainfall patterns and warning levels that trigger debris flows were analyzed according to the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) and cumulative probability. The results showed that CMORPH (comprehensive indicator score (CI = 0.72) and GPM (CI = 0.70) performed better in the simulation of daily rainfall sequence consistency and extreme rainfall conditions in the study area. CMORPH also had the highest reconstruction rate for correctly capturing rainfall events that triggered debris flows, with a value of 89%. Approximately half of the rainfall patterns that cause debris flows are antecedent-effective-rainfall-dominated. Both intraday-rainfall-dominated and intraday-antecedent-rainfall-balanced patterns were below 30%. There were evident differences in the critical rainfall for different rainfall patterns under the same warning level. By comparing the results of previous studies on rainfall thresholds, it is believed that the results of this study confirm the application of satellite rainfall products; in addition, the calculated rainfall thresholds can provide a reference for the early warning of debris flows in the HMR. In general, this work is of great significance to the prediction and early warning of debris flow hazards.
论文类别: SCI