2025年3月17日 星期一
论文题目: Influence of topology based on change domain
第一作者: Wang Zegen, Du Xuemei, Jiang Dan, Yong Zhiwei etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: The updating of the local topological relationship can significantly lower the cost (time and money). Previous studies rarely consider the impact of topology change region on updating efficiency and accuracy. In this study, three basic concepts that can quantify the geometric change domain, the topological change domain, and the topological local updating calculation domain are proposed to represent the influence of new points, lines and areas on geometry and topological relationship. They are denoted as GCD, TCD and TLUCD, respectively. And the calculation models of three change domains are verified by taking the topology update of a city as an example. Research shows: 1. The GCD is the area where the geometric change elements are located, and the association relationship change domain is the union of geometric change elements. From the perspective of scope, the GCD and the association relationship change domain are equal. 2. The TCD is the union of GCD and adjacency relationship change domain, which refers to the union of element change region and its adjacent region. In terms of scope, TCD and adjacency relationship change domain are equal. 3. The TLUCD is the union of TCD and its neighborhood. In conclusion, the determination of the local update calculation area provides theoretical support for the study of local updating of the topology. Furthermore, it lays a foundation for studying the change mechanism of topological relationship caused by other composite geographical events.
论文类别: SCI