2025年3月15日 星期六
论文题目: Variation of plant CSR strategies across a precipitation gradient in the alpine grasslands on the northern Tibet Plateau
第一作者: Yu Jialuo, Hou Ge, Zhou Tiancai, Shi Peili etc.
发表年度: 2022
摘  要: Identifying ecological strategies based on functional traits can help us better understand plants' adaptations and changes in ecological processes, and thus predict the impact of climate change on ecosystems, especially in the vulner-able alpine grasslands. Herein, we investigated the plant CSR strategies of four grassland types (alpine meadows, AM; alpine meadow steppes, AMS; alpine steppes, AS; and alpine desert steppes, ADS) and its functional groups (grasses, sedges, legumes, and forbs) along the east-to-west gradient of decreasing precipitation on the northern Tibetan grass-lands by using Grime's CSR (C: competitor, S: stress tolerator, and R: ruderal) analysis. Although alpine grasslands were dominated by S-strategy, our results also indicated that AM with higher water, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability had significantly lower S-strategy values and relatively higher C-and R-strategy values (C: S: R = 6: 63: 31 %) than those in AMS (C: S: R = 3: 94: 3 %,), AS (C: S: R = 3: 87: 10 %), and ADS (C: S: R = 1: 94: 5 %). The CSR strategy values of forbs and legumes showed greater variability compared with grasses and sedges in the environmental gradient. Furthermore, water variability on the precipitation gradient eventually affected plant traits and CSR strategies through soil N and P availability and pH. Our findings highlighted that plant CSR strategies were regulated by the availability of soil resources, and plants adopted more flexible adaptation strategies in relatively resource-rich environments. This study sheds light on the mechanisms of plant adaptation to the changing environ-ment in the alpine grasslands.
论文类别: SCI